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Legalizing weed
Great article about the marijuana legalization initiative on the ballot in Washington, and the racialized nature of drug arrests/incarceration.
Seeing Mosaics
The changed leaves covered the gorund and it looked like a mosaic. The individual leaves themselves were like small mosaics. It was hard for my eyes to take it all in. It was suppriging to see how much the back yard of the English had changed since I was there last. It is similar to a growing changing preson, but more repeative I guess. When the wind blew the leaves let go of their branches and sky dived to the ground (brave leaves), only to be crushed back into the earth under my feet -- eventually re-entering the tree in a different form. The sky was grey. The ai felt nice, and it smelled nice also. I was surprised at how upset I was when found that the ferns were brown and droopy and dead.
Another thought on randomness ~
It is amazing how the use of rocks dates back to the origin of human history and is still applied nowadays. In history I have learnt about the many durable evidences of tools and buildings made of rocks and stones. It is not surprising that such an abundant, indigenous, long-lasting and useful material is still used in this time, especially with human expanding knowledge that can be applied to use specific type of rock for specific purpose of construction. However, what struck me is amount of work that makes a stone building and its beauty. In order to build up the castle-like Rhoads where I am, people had to excavate an area to form a quarry, rocks were then delivered to the construction site from the quarry and then cut and grinded to become perfect rectangular blocks that can be stacked into straight walls. Laying rocks is also an art as each pattern has its own characteristic. It create individuality for the building itself.
I used to think of nature as layers of randomness. Without the interference of human, trees grow up wherever conditions allow, weeds cover the area… But is randomness a pattern? If one lays rocks of different shapes on a wall or in a unexpected and undersigned pattern, the wall might turn out not ugly at all. Indeed, many buildings nowadays apply this as a “random pattern”. And if language can be used to place an order onto the natural environment, then yes, randomness can be a pattern.
DRASTIC DRASTIC Changes during the Fall Break & Some New Perspectives on "History"
Having been off campus most of the time during the fall break, I am very very surprised at how the campus has changed. Specifically, how the plants on Bryn Mawr campus have looked different. My spot, the Labyrinth is just not enough to represent the changes. (No, I'm not changing my spot.) I really want to jot down what I have observed for the change of season. And also I have some to add to the post I wrote at the beginning of fall break (a long time ago, huh), so I need to seperate this week's post to two parts.
a) The season - A manifest fall!
Minecraft STRUGGLE
It all began when I went to download the application and had to download another plug-in that my computer was missing. Once I finally got all the downloads configured and set up an account, I logged in and began playing. I vaguely knew what to do from the video in class the other day.
The first thing I tried to do was gather wood--I went up to a tree and punched it A LOT and got nowhere. I went online and watched a YouTube video and it showed punching the tree. I returned to the game and tried punching the tree. Again, continuous punching and NO wood. I went to another tree and FINALLY it worked! I got one block of wood. I continued punching the tree and couldn't get any more wood. At this point, I had been playing for about 25 minutes and was yelling at my computer. I had to stop because I was so frustrated.
I may go back and attempt to continue playing but right now, I'm too annoyed. I'm unclear on the purpose and focus of the game. I know that when you pause there is a bar for achievements but what is the ultimate goal? I'm hoping that the panel on Tuesday will help enlighten me on 1) how to play and 2) the purpose of playing and 3) the ultimate goal.
Voice Paper #2
The images that really caught my attention were jo’s and sdane’s images that compare meals between public schools and prisons. When I was in high school, I had heard a rumor, or what I thought to be a rumor, stating that the same company that distributed our school lunch was the same who distributed lunch to prisons. After all the readings we have been doing and seeing these images, I am appalled at the reality of these connections. The reason why these images hit so close to home is because these look exactly like the lunch I was receiving. I was eligible for free lunch but I honestly feel as if it was a waste of an opportunity that was given to me specifically, I barely went to lunch – in fact I can count the times I have gone into the cafeteria all four years of high school.
I was walking up the hill
past senior row on Wednesday morning, when I saw
a red-tailed hawk (entirely undisturbed by me) making her breakfast of a squirrel.
Lunch Invitation (Post Script Series)
Bay scallop leaves
Harbor for boiling water, bay leaves
White wine, yellow onions, potatoes, corn, butter,
Cream, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley, and
More thyme.
The not last taste
Overlays scallops and corn
Of Zea mays var. saccharata out
Of season, there is no sexy way to say I miss you
Words discarded with shells at Jetties parking lot
The shellfish
Is always selfish in chowder.
Still, try to see the blue bowls garnished with parsley,
And pats of butter on beautiful cold days.
Recipe for a specific experience.
Oh Iowa sweet!
Become my yellow-white bouquet summer man.