Rabid mole – just use audio initially, then have footage of mole, then quick fade to black, quick fade back to mole, quick fade back to black (“He just peed on me!) quick flashes of swings, fan, Jared, rats, basket ball woman
For this project I worked with rachelr, ckosarek and ewashburn on a collaborative tumblr/facebook page wherein we explored the role of fiction in science.
For my final project I joined with ckosarek, ewashburn, and katlittrell to create a conversation about the role of science in fiction and of fiction in science. We set up a Facebook page where we posted anything interesting that we came across that we felt pertained to our class, was a continuation of something we talked about in class, or could be applied or linked back to the kind of thinking that we developed in this class. From our Facebook page we also linked to out to our Tumblr page where about every week for 5 weeks we posed a short essay that stemmed from our class thinking.
I feel I can say that I have gained most from the conversations taking place over Serendip throughout my time in EvoLit. In my video I wished to represent these conversations in a visual way, by expressing some of the main themes of our class, and the comments of my peers on the blog. While this is not footage that I was able to shoot myself, it has all been altered, adjusted in terms of speed and color and length, as well as paired with each individual quote for a specific reason. Most connections should be apparent, along with the conversation taking place and progressing throughout the video.
Apo & I worked on our last web event together, using our skit and in-class performance as a basis for our larger conversation about the intersections of the course and our project. Apo posted the final web paper here.
class notes
from the forum: Hillary_B: I was reading an interview and made me think about this class and communication. Having dark corners, interested in making you see how true to yourself you are. Anne: being cautions of knowing too much. danger?
Leamirella's conversation with Chorost:
He mentions something about being able to “turn on& off” he talked about how you can chose what info to put out there. And then talked about really good anti virus and security yet there’s always a way to get around.