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Hilary_Brashear's picture

Under the Needle: Tattooing Taboos

Under the Needle: Tattooing Taboos

By: Hilary Brashear writing for the class Gender and Technology

If I ask you “imagine a person with a lot of tattoos” who do you see? What adjectives would you use to describe that person?

Who I see: Biggish muscular man, wearing leather, rough, aggressive, slightly scary.

phyllobates's picture

Evolution as Both a Process Over and a Theory Across Time

 Evolution: a Process Over and a Theory Across Time

kelliott's picture

The Cyborg, the Surrogate & the Future of Gender in Robotics 


I made a Prezi for the assignment. To see the text that is relatively small, scroll your mouse over the right side of the screen and a Zoom option should appear!

vgaffney's picture

Intersex: the ethics of technologically constructing gender


jhercher's picture

The Validity of Certain Narratives: Scientific vs. Religious Stories

James Hercher

Evolution in Literature

P. Grobstein & A. Dalke

Web Project #1



The Validity of Certain Narratives: Scientific vs. Religious Stories

tangerines's picture

EvoLit Web Paper 1: How Should We Teach Evolution?

The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories

Professor Dalke


Webpaper #1

“How Should We Teach Evolution?”

elly's picture

Teaching Evolution: A brief look at how to teach the multiple stories of evolution

Elly Leman

Evo-Lit, WebPaper #1

Due February 11th, 2011


Teaching Evolution: A brief look at how to teach the multiple stories of evolution


J.Yoo's picture

Don't go Down There!, Transgender versus Transsexualism, and what to do about them.

Don't go Down there!: Transsexual vs. Transgender

“The transsexual and transgender division is the same as the sex and gender division in that there are some differences, but nobody knows what they are.”

-Julia Regan-Fenelli


Transsexual (noun):

Pronunciation: /tran(s)ˈsekSHo͞oəl, træn(t)(s)ˈsɛkʃ(əw)əl/

a. a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex.

mindyhuskins's picture

Darwin's Big Problem


Mindy Huskins




Darwin's Big Problem

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