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Paul Grobstein's picture

Inception, the Constitution, education, and life itself

Interesting intersection this weekend of thoughts from an ongoing summer institute with K12 teachers on Brain, Science, Inquiry, and Education, from seeing Christopher Nolan's new movie Inception, and from a visit to the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

joycetheriot's picture

Joyce's Sudoku Journal

Ashley Dawkins's picture

Ashley's Index

I feel a sense of relief after completing my first year of teaching. After surviving the world wind of this life changing experience I can now catch my breath and further reflect on my experiences. I see an immediate need to involve more creativity and inquiry into my lessons...this is why I am here. I am here to learn, question, and gain ideas that I can apply to my classroom. The interesting twist is that I my classroom will be changing for my second year of teaching. I will be entering the cyber community and trying to incorporate creativity and inquiry into this world. I am not sure what to expect...

Mattie Davis's picture

Mattie's Soduko Journal

Date Time Comments
 7/13/10  3:33p-4:00p  Started o.k.Got about 2/3 done, noticed a problem.  Restarted 2 times.  What gives????  It was so easy doing this with the group.
 7/14/10 3:35p- 4:10p

About 1/3 done.  Restarted 3 times.

Mattie Davis's picture

Mattie's portfolio page


Sudoku page


Keith Sgrillo's picture

Keith's Sudoku

Date Score Comments
 7/13  didn't finish  Was doing well on evil. Hit wrong button.  Couldn't go back
 7/14  didn't finish  Still refuse to give up on evil. Ran out of time.
Kim Fuller's picture

Kim's Soduko Portfolio

Date Time Comment
July 13/10 Morning / afternoon I was tough this morning how to play the game. and this afternoon we did it as a class it was enjoyable to play with everyone. I can certainly understand why this is a part of our course, it will make you think and reason.
RecycleJack Marine's picture

Jack's Sudoku

Date Time Thoughts
 7/13  14:29  That was more fun than I anticipated!
 7/13  10:47  Wow
 7/13  xx  Screwed up somewhere
 7/15  8:38  Felt fun
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