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Paul B's picture

A Cocaine Addiction Gene? Let's Not Get Ahead of Ourselves...

A recent survey has reported that 64% of teens have tried illicit drugs by the age of 18 (1). Some of these kids will develop a profoundly devastating drug addiction while others will not. This phenomenon has lead researchers to ask why. Why are some individuals, who experiment with drugs, more susceptible to drug addiction while others do not? By addressing this question, researchers hope to develop better preventative measures as well as better treatment for drug dependent individuals.

vpizzini's picture


Very different strategies can be adopted in the study of the mind, but, on the whole, they can be clustered in two separate groups. One is more quantitative, based on statistics, experiments, isolated events and is able to identify variables and establish laws that allow the prediction of a future behavior. The other one is more qualitative and is based on the particular characteristics of a single person and very seldom utilizes generalized theories.

ysilverman's picture

Help! I Can’t Hear Myself Think! Or Myself! Or Myself! (Or, Opening New Possibilties for the Borderline Mind)

On occasion, everyone finds that emotions have bested them. The person we have a crush on doesn’t call us back for two days, and suddenly the world feels just a bit less bright. We do poorly on a test, and though we recognize that in the scheme of things it’s not a big deal, we can’t help but imagine that our future has been ruined. And then, another piece of ourselves works to quell the fire: the moment passes, the crush calls (or doesn’t), we watch a TV show or two, we get a good grade on the next test (or we don’t), we call a supportive friend and talk briefly, and life goes on. But for some people,

Martin's picture

Treatment methods for Mental Illness: Which method has the best story?

Normal 0

Three central methods for dealing with mental health problems dominate the therapeutic scene: pharmacological, cognitive behavioral, and psychodynamic/analytic therapy. Each method attempts to restore a state of well-being or health characterized by the patient's ability to interact with the world in a productive and coherent manner. CBT and Psychodynamic therapy attempt to solve the problems without necessarily using drugs and can therefore be grouped together as Psychotherapies, as distinct from Pharmacotherapy.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Conversation, discourse, exchange, open-ended transactional inquiry

The trick is to focus not on what people can't agree on, nor on what they can agree on, but rather on issues/questions/problems that have the potential to generate ways of thinking that no one has thought before. 

More to come on where that thought came from, and what its useful for .... 

ssherman's picture

How a Feminist Should vote in this election

Sarah Sherman


Intro to Critical Feminist Studies

Professor Anne Dalke

How Should a Feminist Vote in this Election?

(Including bitter Hillary supporters)

Everyone has their own definition of feminism. Personally, I believe feminism is equality for women. I believe that women should have the same rights as men and that they shouldn't be discriminated against for being female.

mpottash's picture

Paper 1: The Historical and the Literary-Representations of Dr. Luce and Dr. Money

The Historical andthe Literary: Representation of Dr. Money and Dr. Luce


hpolak's picture

Understanding Transsexuality

Hilary Polak

Intro to Critical Feminist Studies

October 3, 2008

Understanding Transsexuality

aaclh's picture

Making Sense of Gender and Sex

Questions: What is gender? What is the importance of gender? Is it useful? Does it hinder people? What does this say about feminism?

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