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BBI Teacher's picture

Can you explain why you do not have an identical twin?

identical twins photo


Can you explain why you do not have an identical twin?



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BBI Teacher's picture

Have you ever wondered why you look like your father?

father and son photo

Have you ever wondered why you look like your father?

Let's see if we can find out more about this.

Please Click Here


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BBI Teacher's picture

Right Page

Great! Your answer is correct.

It is in fact Genetics.

Now, let's take a look at those earlier questions.

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BBI Teacher's picture

Wrong Page

Good choice! But, I think you were thinking of another branch of science.

Maybe you should try again.

Please Click Here
BBI Teacher's picture

Have you ever wondered ...?

<img src ="" width=400 height=400>

Have you ever wondered why you look like your father?

<img src ="" width=400 height=400>

Can you explain why you do not have an identical twin?

<img src ="" width=400 height=400>

How is it that a person can have a tailbone, but not have a tail?
BBI Teacher's picture

Predicting a Person's Height

Predicting a Person's Height


Is there a mathematical relationship between a person's height and the length of his femur?


metric ruler, meter stick, string, calculator


Wil Franklin's picture

Mushroom Hunting

Angela Bryant's picture

Proposal for Science and a Sense of Place


  I would like to use my stipend for buying my students headsets  for thier computers. It would be a blessing  for my students and my self. Bestbuy have headsets for $5 dollars I need 40 headsets. I have 30 computers but I would need the extra 10 in case If any of them get lost on break.


     Headsets $5

     # of headsets 40

     total          $200

Thank you

Angela Bryant's picture

Proposal for Brain and Behavior


        I am going to do my proposal on somthing I can use in my classroom . I just recieved a smart board in Febuary and I am being trained on different task I can work with my students. What I would like to use in my classroom for the stipend would work out find with my smartboard. I am going to use the $200 dollars buying a printer. I went online to and found a printer that I could use for my classroom. It is a Canon-Pixma All in One Photo Printer/Copier/scanner/fax. I can also go to Bestbuy store and purchase the same printer for the same amout of money.


Thank you for everything!


merry2e's picture

Understanding Chaos

Understanding is questioning and colors of bold. Blues, reds, yellows and greens jump out of the page wanting me to figure out what the missing puzzle pieces mean. Another minute passes by, and a ball, the earth, a swirling sphere of rainbows, missing parts, that do not want to fit together, looking as though they are about to explode catches my eye. The color of the sun fills the corner of the page, a bright yellow, the hue of my mother's bedroom at our beach house in North Carolina reminds me of my childhood, finally allowing me to understand the white.
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