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Aditya's picture

Born Gay?

                                                         Born Gay? 

            In recent years, homosexuality has become more openly prevalent and accepted. From my own personal experiences I have come to realize that homosexuals are not just people a person reads about in the newspaper, but they are bosses, professors, friends, and family members. I have grown to respect them as individuals and not to see their homosexuality as the main characteristic of their identity but just another piece of who they are. However, given the increased number of homosexuals in my everyday life, I cannot help but wonder what makes these respected, successful individuals different from everyone else? How did they come to be attracted to the same sex? Were they born this way? 

Pleiades's picture

Brain=Body: The Internal Stimulus Regulating Center

We would all like to believe we have control over our own bodies. We can talk, and walk, and think and daydream. But what happens when our bodies start doing things we have no control over? In times of stress and extreme emotions, some part of our brain takes over and interferes with our body’s natural functions. Why don’t we have control over our body in these circumstances? We control our brain don’t we? Even if we agree that there is a particular part of the brain that is causing these external reactions to internal stimuli (the I box), where is it and what determines the response?

Jessica Wurtz's picture

Seeing without Sight

Seeing without Sight

Jessica Wurtz

The brain and the rest of the nervous system is a vast network of neurons, synapses, potentials, and many other critical parts that we might not ever understand.  Just when we think we have finally figured something out about it, it seems that there is always something that contradicts the so-called scientific facts.  One of these curious phenomena is that of how a human being uses their senses to perceive the surrounding environment.  Since we are young, we are taught we have five basic senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.  While this seems cut and dried, there are circumstances that are a source of confusion, such as when a person is deaf or blind.  Being deaf or blind completely changes the way a person perceives the world and their surroundings.  Often times, the other senses will become much more sensitive, as if to make up for the senses that are not functional.  While it seems natural for this to happen, such as a 3-legged dog who runs just as well as any other dog, a closer look proves that it is not as simple as that.

Lauren Poon's picture

Fish and Brain Food

My dad’s favorite food is fish. On his nights to cook, he whips up his usual salmon dinner. As a kid, I didn’t like salmon but my dad insisted fish was brain food and would make me smarter. Naturally, I didn’t believe him but I ate my dinner in case the fish might help me on my next test. Now, I’ve decided to research my dad’s theory and it so happens that he was right. The oil in fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, abbreviated as n-3 fatty acids, have numerous health benefits; some of which include cardiovascular disease prevention. The n-3 fatty acids reduce high blood pressure, increase lipoprotein or “good cholesterol” amounts, and lower the risk of heart disease (4). However, my dad was referring to neurological properties; therefore, I will focus on the positive effects of omega-3 fatty acids in mood disorders and memory.

Stacy Blecher's picture

The Body's Natural Painkillers

When I had my wisdom teeth removed my doctor told me to go home, rest and take a pill called codeine if I experienced any great pain.  I gladly followed his orders.  Had my doctor told me to go immediately to the gym and run on the treadmill until I felt better I would have looked at him like he was crazy and I doubt that I would have obeyed his commands.  While the two treatments for pain –codeine and exercise –seem to be opposites, recent neurobiological research suggests that a doctor would not be unjustified prescribing a hearty dose of physical activity to a patient suffering from pain.

oschalit's picture do we make female scientists?...

Frame the issues and describe some responses to the ways in which women scientists are made….


            Bryn Mawr College, among other women’s institutes, suffers from one of the greatest symptoms of the struggle between women’s oppression and the fight to overcome it. While it fights to distinguish itself as an academic community that not only provides but, also, encourages a thorough, non-gendered education through the removal of men and the empowerment of the students and teachers, it also seeks to project itself by assuming a neutral role in gender labeling. Herein lies the question; do we abstain from portraying ourselves as providing something seemingly unusual and “extra” for women so that we may then make social changes and neutralize the role of gender differences in society? Or do we take pride in the fact that we are a single sex institution and distinguish ourselves as a community that helps women flourish and help them own who they are, thereby running the chance emphasizing the difference between men and women? Grosz encourages us to accept who we are as women, as individual entities in this world, and to embrace it and utilize it. But through these efforts to become scientists, through all that we deem necessary to accomplish that which we strive for, do we further isolate ourselves?

Rebecca's picture

Science More Enjoyable for All

As a senior biology major in a gender and science studies class, I have decided to look back and reflect on my past four years as a female science major at Bryn Mawr College.  The primary focus of this class is on the field of physics. Physics has not been as successful as biology in attracting women to the field and in placing women in top level positions.  In 1997, 47% of PhDs in biology were awarded to women while only 22% of PhDs in the physical sciences (Thom 67). However, liberal arts colleges and women’s colleges in particular are noted for turning out large numbers of women scientists and Bryn Mawr fits nicely into these categories with biology consistently being one of the most popular majors.  I would like to discuss which parts of my undergraduate experience were the most rewarding and which were the most discouraging because these experiences are relevant to the discussion of how our society creates female scientists. Throughout grade school, high school, and in the first year of undergraduate work, changes need to be made that will attract more of both men and women to the sciences.  However, in the last years of undergraduate work when women are about to enter into the work force, more should be done to encourage them to stay in science despite certain disheartening social factors. 

leigh urbschat's picture

Synesthesia: Blending Senses

Each of us has encountered a “loud” shirt or “warm” colors, however, for most individuals these terms are metaphors and not actual physical experiences. Those living with the neurological condition synesthesia, in fact, do encounter this blending of senses on a regular basis. Senses like hearing and vision, or touch and taste become combined in the synesthete’s brain rather than remaining separate as in the majority of the population. The study of synesthesia dates as far back as 1880 with the work of Francis Galton in the journal Nature. However, due to the stigma that synesthesia is the product of the imagination, memories from childhood, or drug experiences, little interest was expressed in the subject until recently.1 The condition is very subjective in nature, causing most of the data obtained to be qualitative rather than quantitative. This fact makes it difficult to have any conclusive physical evidence about synesthesia. Scientists do not have a clear answer as to what causes synesthesia or even as to what is occurring within the brain of a synesthete. Although many theories have been purposed, the many complexities of this fascinating condition are likely to keep researchers puzzled for years to come.

sky stegall's picture

the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Dear BMC Physics Department;            An interesting opportunity has arisen for me to communicate with you collectively about my experiences as a woman in physics, and particularly about the differences I can see between my experiences in this department and the statistical and anecdotal information available about the current, nation-wide experiences of women in physics.  Let me begin by saying that on almost every point I have had the chance to read about and discuss in my Gender and Science class this spring, I find that my tenure in physics has differed from the more unfortunate norm – overall, I have had a wonderful time doing physics with you.  But, as always, there are areas where I would admit room for improvement, and it is on these things that I would like to focus, and perhaps to offer some advice.              First let me explain what prompted me to write this letter.  For my class, we read a book by Sheila Tobias called They’re Not Dumb, They’re Different, Stalking the Second Tier.  The book is essentially a collection of reports, findings and suggestions based on her research into why science (specifically large intro physics and chemistry classes) lose so many potential students, and why so many of those lost are females and minorities.  Tobias recruited several intelligent non-scientists (mostly graduate students in other disciplines) to seriously audit introductory physics and chemistry courses and keep track of their progress, observations and impressions.              What came out of this research was fascinating to me because it was constantly clear to me where these students’ experiences intersected with mine and where they differed enormously.  It occurred to me even as I read that this could be a useful framework through which I could evaluate my experiences with our physics department here and perhaps provide some feedback for you.  I suppose that since I am using this reading as a framework, I should give a very brief explanation of why.            When Tobias speaks of “second-tier” students, she means those who are every bit as intelligent, intellectual and capable as their potential physicist peers, but who have chosen not to do science, for whatever reason.  Her goal was to explore some of those reasons.  This was so potent for me because, even though a lot of my experiences paralleled those which led these and other students not to choose the hard sciences, I did, and continue to do so, despite the fact that I may or may not be as intelligent, intellectual or capable as these people.            So what, according to Tobias, creates the leak in the introductory level classes?  She mentions such things as the perceived “culture of competition,” the concept of “weeding out” students, the lack of an overarching narrative conveyed to the students, and the structure of problem sets and exams.  I would like to speak to these things in terms of the BMC Physics Department and present one perspective on the good, the bad and the ugly (but fixable).            We have read a great deal about this “culture of competition.”  Needless to say this is somewhat diminished all over Bryn Mawr’s campus because of the strong injunction among the students against talking about one’s grades, but in physics there is still a sense of competition in slightly more abstract terms.  I know who, in my classes, can do the homework without help and who cannot (I am, you all know, in that second group), and I know who is left weeping after every exam and who is not.              While I understand that this could easily make some students uncomfortable, as it did to me my freshman year, I realize that this understanding of my classmates has been enormously helpful to me academically.  I know whom to ask for help – an invaluable knowledge in physics.  I have never felt like I am in competition with my peers in our department – indeed, for me the culture of competition is much sharper in my humanities and social science classes, especially in terms of papers (which have never been my strongest point).I feel like there is almost never any boasting within our department, and that seems to me unusual within the larger context of physics.  In fact, the only people I hear touting themselves in a physics department are the more obnoxious Haverford boys.  Maybe that is a big part of the difference – the presence of male students and the culture they bring into the classroom may be what fosters this feeling of painful or unnecessary competition.  Here I think the Bryn Mawr professors, while clearly not ignorant of the situation, could perhaps find ways to be more proactive about discouraging that kind of competition.  I could go on at length on the problems brought into the classroom by HaverBoys, but to be more specific I will say that I would like to see more immediate quashing of things like derisive remarks after a woman asks a question, and perhaps a more anonymous method of turning in homework so we do not have to see each other’s problem sets and exams as they are handed in.It was also interesting to read about the process of weeding out, which I have heard about but never thought I had experienced.  Upon further reflection, I decided that this process at most institution is supposed to divide the students into those who are “naturally capable” of physics and those who are not, but that at Bryn Mawr we try to keep those who are naturally willing to do physics, rather than those who may be very talented but who have little interest in or tenacity for the subject.This, I think, is why I have survived so long.  I am dead-set determined to do physics, despite my problems in mathematics and enormously varied other interests.  I also think I got to skip that step because the first physics class I took at Bryn Mawr was 104, rather than 103 in the first semester.  I took Psychology 102 (a mistake!) and realized that physics really was my academic love.  Therefore I started “ahead” of the weeding out, already on the major track.  On the other hand, I feel that at Bryn Mawr our weeding out is not done so much by the structure of the classes or the nature of the science itself, but by the specific professors.  It would be interesting, I think, to track the students by first-professors and see what percentage of each professor’s own freshmen stay in physics.  I am fairly convinced that some of our professors are much better at recruiting and keeping students than others, and while I understand that it is each teacher’s perogative to prioritize his or her class in his or her own way – is it more important to keep many different students or to keep only the best?  Is the goal to teach as much physics as possible or to train them in as much math as necessary? – I would like to suggest a departmental hard look at those introductory classes.  I would also very much like to know what your priorities really are, so that I (and other students) are not coming into a class expecting one thing and never understanding why we are not getting it.  This leads nicely into my next observation from Tobias; many of her subjects reported feeling lost because they could perceive no overarching narrative or path or connectedness in the class.  This is where, I must confess, I got a little angry at the classes those students were taking.  I have almost always felt, in my BMC physics classes, that I understood why we were learning what we were learning, and when, and how, and how everything fit together, and where we were going.  This is helped by the narrative that some of our professors provide at the start of the semester and update as necessary; however, mostly I think my understanding comes from in-class discussion of both the history of the physics we cover and the mentioning of things-to-come, either in class or in the future.  I have generally always felt that the physics I was doing was in some sense real, a genuine method of looking at the world, if not complete and comprehensive at least partially so, attempting to be without pretending to be.  To be quite honest, I have found more narrative in most of my physics classes than in a couple of my non-science courses.

Priyadarshini's picture

Interesting Article - Chimps making Weapons (At least the female chimps)

For First Time, Chimps Seen Making Weapons for Hunting

By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 23, 2007; A01,

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