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Serendip and Science Education
Course pages | General academic resource pages | International pages
Miscellaneous | K-12 pages | Student web papers
Amherst College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science: The Art of Mathematical Thinking
Gregory S. Call
References: The Game of Life
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Department of Urban and Regional Planning: Planning Public Infrastructure
Gwen Urey
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Capital University
Department of Psychology: Principles of Psychology
Roberta Hartmann
References: Blind spots
Carleton College
Department of Psychology: A.P. Psychology Workshop: Summer Teaching Institute
Neil Lutsky
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Columbia University
Department of International and Transcultural Studies: Communication and Culture
Hervé Varenne
References: Culture As Disability
Cornell University
Department of Neurobiology and Behavior: Neuroethology
Carl D. Hopkins
References: Lateral Inhibition
DeVry University
Department of Psychology: Psychology 110
Al Campbell
References: Mind and Body
Dickinson College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science: Artificial Life
Grant Brought
References: Langton's Ant
Earlham College
Friends Association for Higher Education
References: "The Grace of Revision": Making Community in Public, Quaker Writing Group, Panel Discussion About Using the Web for Educational Purposes
Harvard University
Department of History of Science: Evolution and the Mind
Anne Harrington
References: Mind and Body
Haverford College
Department of History of Science: Computer Science Education Summer Institute
References: Serendip, K-12 Summer Institutes
Hesston College
Department of Sociology: Cultural Anthropology
Dwight E. Roth
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Department of Psychology: Principles of Psychology
Uta Wolfe
References: Mind and Body
Loyola Marymount University
Department of Psychology: General Psychology
Michael E. Mills
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Macalester College
Department of Psychology: History and Systems of Psychology
Joan Ostrove
References: Mind and Body
Malaspina University-College
Department of Psychology
References: Blind spots
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT OpenCourseWare: Gödel, Escher, Bach: A Mental Space Odyssey
Justin Curry and Curran Kelleher
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
McGill University
Department of Computer Science: Pattern Recognition
Godfried T. Toussaint
References: Lateral Inhibition
Metropolitan State University
Department of Psychology: Social Psychology
Mark Stasson
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Mathematics: Explorations in Fractals and Chaos
Margaret M. Robinson
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
Muhlenberg College
Department of Psychology: Sensation and Perception
Laura Snodgrass
References: Blind spots
North Central College
Department of Psychology: The Science of Behavior
Jon Mueller
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy, Time to Think, Blind spots
North Central State College
Department of Psychology: Psychology Class Web Links
Bob Lewis
References: Mind and Body
Norwich University
Department of Psychology: History and Systems of Psychology
John Meyer
References: Mind and Body
Oklahoma State University
Department of Educational and School Psychology: History and Systems of Psychology
Kay Sather Bull
References: Mind and Body
Our Lady of the Lake University
The Sueltenfuss Library: Mental Health Resources
References: Mental Health
Parsons the New School for Design
Communication Design and Technology: Game Media
Jonah Warren
References: Ant colonies
Rutgers University
Department of Sociology: The Internet and Society
Ted Goertzel
References: Variability in Brain Function and Behavior, A Paradigm Shift from Lines to Circles
San Diego State University
Department of Biology: Human Physiology
Roger Sabbadini
References: Diversity and Deviance
Santa Monica College
Department of Philosophy: Introduction to Knowledge & Reality
Amber L. Katherine
References: Mind and Body
Savannah Free College
Department of Psychology: Introduction to Psychology
References: Brain and Behavior, Genes, Brain, Behavior
Scottsdale Community College
Department of Psychology: Introduction to Psychology
Jeffry Ricker
References: Mind and Body
Shasta College
Department of Psychology: Social Psychology
Laura Valvatne
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Sinclair Community College
Department of Quality Engineering Technology: Quality Control Seminar
Jim Houdeshell
References: Complexity
South Florida Community College
Department of Psychology: Child Psychology
Peter Carson
References: Brain and Behavior
St. Olaf College
Department of Psychology: Biopsychology
Uta Wolfe
References: Brain and Behavior
St. Olaf College
Department of Psychology: Principles of Psychology
Uta Wolfe
References: Mind and Body
Tallahassee Community College
Division of History and Social Science: Introduction to Chaos and Complexity
David B. Mock
References: Serendip
University at Albany - SUNY
Department of Physics: Complex Systems in Neurobiology, Language, and Speech
Kevin Knuth
References: The Game of Life
of Arizona
Department of Psychology: Psychology of Consciousness
Victor A. Shamas
References: Mind and Body
of California, Berkeley
Department of Physics: Geometrics & Physical Optics, Relativity and Quantum Physics
Robert Lin and Marco Battaglia
References: Blind spot
University of California, Irvine
Department of Anthropology: Anthropology 179A
Douglas White
References: Prisoner's Dilemma, A Voyage of Exploration, Simple Networks, Simple Rules, Free Will?, Variability in Brain Function and Behavior
of Florida
Department of Psychology: History of Psychology
Donald Dewsbury
References: Mind and Body
University of Florida
Department of Mathematics: Proofs from the Book
Steve Bellenot
References: The Four Color Problem
of Idaho
Department of Philosophy: Ethics
Janice Capel Anderson
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
of Iowa
Department of Communication Studies: Communication and Identity
Steve Duck
References: Buddhist Meditation and Personal Construct Psychology
University of Kansas
Department of Philosophy: Introduction to Ethics
Ben Eggleston
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
of Michigan
Department of Biology and Psychology: Evolutionary Biology and Human Disease
Randolph Nesse and Alan Weder
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
of Texas at Brownsville
Department or Psychology: Introduction to Psychology
Ethel K. Cantu
References: Serendip
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology: Introduction to Perception
Lars Strother
References: Brain and Behavior
University of Wisconsin
Department of Psychology: Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
Brad Postle
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy
Valdosta State University
Department of Psychology: Sensation and Perception
Deb Briihl
References: Blindsight
Valdosta State University
Department of Psychology: Fundamentals of Psychology
Deb Briihl
References: Time to Think
Vanderbilt University
Department of Psychology: Perception
Randolph Blake
References: Blind spots
Vanderbilt University
Department of Psychology: Principles of Experimental Design
Randolph Blake
References: Mind and Body
Vanderbilt University
Department of Psychology: Neuroimaging
Blake, Gauthier, and Marois
References: Mind and Body
Wesleyan University
Department of Government: Introduction to International Politics
Giulio Gallarotti
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Whitman College
Department of Psychology: Sensation and Perception
Wally Herbranson
References: Blind spots
Yale University
Department of Anthropology: Disability and Culture
Karen Nakamura
References: Culture As Disability
Binghamton University
Center for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education: Biology Links
References: Serendip, Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students Brandeis University
Department of Philosophy: Resources
Andreas Teuber
References: Playground
Brown University
Department of Computer Science: The Artemis Project
References: Serendip Cambridge College, School of Education
Department of Educational Leadership: Sociology of Education
Dan W. Butin
References: Culture As Disability
Columbia University
21st C: Web resources
References: Serendip Cornell University
Center for Advanced Computing: Math and Science: Biology
References: Blind spot
Cornell University Medical College
The Department of Neurology and Neuroscience: World-Wide Web Virtual Library of Neuroscience
References: Serendip Duke University
Computer Science Education: HarambeeNet
References: Serendip
Earlham College
Department of Philosophy: Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Peter Suber
References: Mind and Body, Prisoner's Dilemma
Emory University
Divison of Educational Studies: William James
References: Mind and Body
George Mason University
Department of Philosophy: Philosophy Resources
References: Mind and Body
Hanover College
Department of Psychology: Psychological Tutorials and Demonstrations
References: Brain and Behavior
Hanover College
Association for Psychological Science: Teaching Resources
John H. Krantz
References: Mind and Body
Harvard University
Department of Psychology: Psychology Web Pages Around the World
References: Serendip
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Economics: Wizard's Economics Resources Center
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Northwestern University
Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling: Netlogo
Uri Wilensky
References: Serendip
Princeton University
Psychology Library: Internet Resources in Psychology and Related Disciplines
References: Mind and Body, Index of Topics in Brain and Behavior Web Papers
Skidmore College
Department of Psychology: Perception Resources
Hugh Foley
References: Interactive Color
Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy: Dualism
References: Mind and Body
Stanford University
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Prisoner's Dilemma
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
The University of Chicago at Illinois
Departments of Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Physics: Thermodynamics Research Laboratory: Educational Sites
G. Ali Mansoori
References: Interactive Physics
The University
of Texas at Dallas
Department of Mathematical Sciences: Math Club
Paul Stanford
References: Billards and Chaos Theory, Chaotic Dynamical Systems
The University
of Wisconson
Knowledge Web: Research Resources
References: Serendip
The University
of Queensland, Australia
Teaching and Educational Development Institute: Higher Education Resources
References: Serendip
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Communication Studies: CogWeb: Cognitive Cultural Studies
Francis Steen
References: Mind and Body
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of English: VoS: Philosophy
Alan Liu
References: Mind and Body
University of Cincinnati
INNS Nonlinear Dynamics SIG
Ali Minai
References: Serendip
University of Colorado School of Education
Celebrities in Cognitive Science
Martin Ryder
References: Descartes' Error (book review)
University of Colorado
Department of Biology: Mind: Consciousness - Philosophy
Mark Dubin
References: Mind and Body
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Philosophy: Resources
Gary Hatfield
References: Mind and Body
University of Washington
Department of Bioengineering: Milestones in Neuroscience Research
E.H. Chudler
References: Mind and Body
University of Washington
Department of Bioengineering: Neuroscience Education
E.H. Chudler
References: Sensory Lab, Motor Lab, Blind spots
University of Washington
Department of Bioengineering: Neuroscience for Kids: Vison
E.H. Chudler
References: Blind spots
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
School of Education: Wilson's Links on Brain-based Education
Leslie Owen Wilson
References: Brain and Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Computer Sciences: Computer Vision
Chuck Dyer
References: Brain and Behavior
Vanderbilt University
Jean and Alexander Heard Library: Resources for Philosophy
References: Mind and Body
Vanguard University of Southern California
Department of Psychology: AmoebaWeb: History of Psychology
Douglas Degelman
References: Mind and Body
Washington State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy: Freshman Seminar
Michael Allen
References: Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Washington University, St. Louis
Neuromuscular Disease Center: Resources
References: Mind and Body
Wellesley College
Wellesley College Library: Research Guide: Biological Sciences
References: Brain and Behavior
Aarhus Universitet (Denmark)
Institute for Information and Media Studies: Resources
References: Playground (Italy)
References: Serendip, Jana Stern - Measure for Measure
BBC (United Kingdom)
Radio 4: In Our Time
References: Mind and Body
BBC (United Kingdom)
Radio 4: Reith Lectures 2003 - The Emerging Mind
References: Brain and Behavior
Bilecik Osmaneli District of National Education (Turkey)
Student Resources
References: Serendip
Cambridge University
(United Kingdom)
Department of Distributed Opportunity Systems: Neurophysiology
R.H.S. Carpenter
References: Serendip
Charles University (The Czech Republic)
Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education: Resources
Andreas Ortmann
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
Department of Mathematics: Resources
References: Chaotic Dynamical Systems
De Digitalae School - Kennisnet (The Netherlands)
References: Serendip
De Montfort University (United Kingdom)
Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy: Cognitive Psychology
Tim Grant
References: Brain and Behavior (Brazil)
Theory of Games and Cooperation in Philosophy
Antonio Rogerio da Silva
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Donguk University (South Korea)
Donguk Medical Center: Synaptic Structure of Learning and Memory
Soo Moon
References: Mind and Body
"Dreams and the Genome" (Israel)
References: Serendip, Brain and Behavior, Genes, Brain, Behavior, Blind spot, Genomes to Dreams
Durham University
(United Kingdom)
European Society for the History of the Human Sciences: Internet Resources
References: Mind and Body
Etövös University (Hungary)
Department of History and Philosophy of Science: After The Sokal Affair and Impostures Intellectuelles
György Kampis
References: Two Cultures, Science and Culture, Serendip
Glyndŵr University (United Kingdom)
School of Education and Humanities: Biology Links
Clive Buckley and David Harrison
References: Blind spot
Hanyang University (South Korea)
Dynamic Management Research Center: Lateral Inhibition
References: Lateral Inhibtion
Heinrich-Heine Universität (Germany)
Neurology Clinic: Neurology and Neuroscience Resources
O.W. Witte
References: Mind and Body
Institut des Sciences Cognitives (France): Links
References: Serendip
Italian Society of Pharmacology (Italy)
Neurolinks - Pharmacology of the CNS on the Net
References: Student web paper
Lehrbuch - Psychologie (Germany)
References: A Voyage of Exploration
Library of Argentina - Ophthalmology (Argentina)
References: Blind spot
Links on gender (Iceland)
References: Education and Gender Differences
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Austria)
Informatics-Centre: Psychology Links
Ursula E. Winkler
References: Brain and Behavior
Karolinska Institutet
University Library: Eye Diseases
References: Blind spots
Max-Planck-Institute für Physik komplexer Systeme (Germany)
Nonlinear Dynamics and Time Series Analysis Group: Visualization of Dynamical Systems
References: Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Masarykovy Univerzity (The Czech Republic)
Department of Social Studies: Useful links
Miroslav Šipula
References: Brain and Behavior, Prisoner's Dilemma
Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
Department of Physics, Theoretical Nanoscience Group: Resources
References: Student web paper
Myers Lexikon Online (Germany)
The Brain
References: Brain and Behavior
New Zealand Executive Government (New Zealand)
The Tertiary Education Advisory Commission: Shaping the System
Hon Steve Maharey
References: Complex Systems
Nicolaus Copernicus University, School of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics (Poland)
Department of Informatics: Computational Intelligence
Wlodzislaw Duch
References: Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Nonverbal Library/ Beauty-Attractiveness (Italy)
References: Student web paper and Creative - Theory and Practice of Creativity (Italy)
References: Serendip (Russia)
Ontology and Theory of Knowledge
References: Mind and Body
Sciene blog: (Iran)
References: Brain and Behavior
Shiga University of Medical Science (Japan)
Physiology Resources
Toshikatsu Yokota
References: Blind spot
St. Thomas University (Canada)
Department of Education: Teaching Secondary Science
Pierette Pheeney
References: Serendip
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Switzerland)
Department of Mathematics: Risk and Randomness
Paul Embrechts
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
Szülõ-Csatorna (Hungary)
References: The Game of Life
Tel-Aviv University
Department of Philosophy: Philosophy Sites on the Internet
Yossi Mamround
References: Mind and Body
Thames Valley University
(United Kingdom)
Department of Art and Design: Design for Simulation
Ian Grant
References: Mind and Body
The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Department of Economics: Experimental Economics
Ananish Chaudhuri
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
The University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
Department of Psychology: Resources
References: Playground, Brain and Behavior, Mental Health
Tokyo University of Science (Japan)
School of Management: Justice Research Links
Masayoshi Hirota
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Universität des Saarlandes (Germany)
Department of Philosophy: Interactive Links
Jacobs Bernhard
References: Serendip, Prisoner's Dilemma
Universität Konstanz (Germany)
Department of Psychology: Psychology of Morality and Democracy
Georg Lind
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Universität Regensburg (Germany)
Department of Biology: Human Biology
A. Hofbauer
References: Blindsight
Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)
Division of Art, Communication, and Languages: Psychology Links
David Crookall
References: Serendip, Mind and Body
Universiteit Utrecht
(The Netherlands)
Department of Philosophy: Ethiek
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
University of Genova (Italy)
Department of Physics: The Eye to the Brain
Maria Teresa Tuccio
References: Blind spot
of Leeds (United Kingdom)
Department of Computer Science: Bioinspired Computing
Netta Cohen
References: Lateral Inhibition Simulator
University of Otago (New Zealand)
Department of Psychology: Links
References: Playground
University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom)
School of History: The Catholic Reformation 1414-1650
FB Gordon
References: Mind and Body
University of Surrey (United Kingdom)
Department of Psychology: Biological Bases of Psychology
Dave Rose
References: Brain and Behavior
University of Toronto
Department of Psychology: Research Resources: Vision
Eyal Reingold
References: Lateral Inhibition, Blind spot
University of Ulm Medical School (Germany)
Center for Neuroscience and Learning and Department of Psychiatry III: Links
Alexander Sokolov
References: Mind and Body
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Philosophy: Principia Cybernetica Project: Prisoner's Dilemma
Francis Heylighen
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Willem's Homepage - Physics Study (The Netherlands)
References: Complex Systems
World of Ophthalmology (Russia)
Encylopedia of Ophthalmology - Visual Perception
Victor Zamyatin
References: Student web paper
Wuhan University (China)
University Library: Philosophy Resources
References: Mind and Body
Miscellaneous (including student papers*)
Acceleration Physics
References: Interactive Physics
BeginStart: Chaos
References: Complex Systems
Complexity and Public Policy
References: Complex Systems
Ela Brain, Cybernetics & Neuroscience Directory
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy Links
References: Complex Systems
Fooled by Randomness
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
References: Taleb's The Black Swan (book review) Philosophers: Richard Rorty
References: Fellow Traveling with Richard Rorty
Google Directory - Science > Biology > Neurobiology
References: Brain and Behavior
Google Directory - Society > History > By Topic > Science > Psychology
References: Mind and Body
Honest Intellectual Inquiry: Selected Science Sites
References: Mind and Body
Ineractive Color Wheel
Rich Franzen
References: The Stuff of Art: Crafts
Mark Newbold's Animated Necker Cube
References: Necker Cube
MathsNet: Fractal Links
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
Mind Hacks: Deafhearing
References: Blindsight
Pharmaceuticals Anonymous
References: Mental Health Geometrical Shaping of Microlaser Emission Patterns
Erich Gornik
References: Billards: An Introduction to Chaos Theory
Wikipedia: Circadian Rythm
References: Circadian Rhythms and Sleep*
Wikipedia: Déjà vu
References: Déjà vu and the Brain, Consciousness and Self*
Wikipedia: Heart Rate
References: Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students
Wikipedia: Serotonin
References: Serotonin and Its Uses*
Wikipedia: Sexual Attraction
References: Sexual Attraction Among Humans*
Wikipedia: The Bell Curve
References: The Bell Curve: An illustration of the existence of social science as a social problem*
Wikipedia: Willam James
References: Mind and Body
Barton Creek Elementary School
Curriculum Resources: Middle School Science
References: Time to Think
Belleville High School
Mental Health Pages: Savant Autism
References: Student web paper
Belmont Elementary School
Science: Light and Color
References: Interactive Color
Bement High School
Mathematics: Resources
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
Bishops College High School
Ecosystems Unit Resources
Robert Riche
References: Student web paper
Boston Latin Academy
Science Department: Student Resources
References: Interactive Biology
Britton-Helca School District
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Caesar Rodney School District
All Kinds of Minds Fair
References: Time to Think
Carusi Middle School
Math Department: Math Resources
References: Brain and Behavior
Cashton Public Schools
Resources: Science
References: Blindspot
Central High School
Basics for Academic Success, Science Tutorials, Etc.
Erin Larson
References: Interactive Chemistry
Cherry Creek High School
General Science Resources
References: Science and Education
Coleytown Middle School
8th Grade Science Links
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy
College Park High School
Internet and Educational Links
References: Interactive Biology
Dallas High School
DHS Library: Alternative and Complementary Health
References: Student web paper
Davidson County Schools
References: Mind and Body
Deep Run High School
Senior Project Guide: Brain Research Resources
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy
Denver Public Schools
References: Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students
Ein Gedi School
Sierpinski's Triangle
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
Evanston Township High School
Project Excite: Math Sites
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Galloway Township Middle School
Student web page project: Genetic Diseases - Binswanger
References: Student web paper
Glenbrook South High School
GBS Library: Psychology Links
References: Mind and Body
Higgins Middle School
Curriculum Resources: Math
References: The Four Color Problem
Hillsale Local Schools
Curriculum Consultant and Special Education: Idea Page for Every Teacher
References: Interactive Physics
Hueneme High School
General links
References: Serendip
Hondo High School
Chemistry: Mr. Neuman's Web Page
References: Blindspot
Huntsville City Schools
Educational Resources
References: Blindspot
Johnathan Turner Junior High School
Mathematician Project
References: Mind and Body
Laokota Public School
Classroom Connect's Connected Newsletter
References: The Four Color Problem
Madrid-Waddington Central School
7th Grade Art: Links
References: Interactive Color
Marlton School
Educational Links
References: Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students
Math Educators of Greater St. Louis
Pi Day Resources
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
Menagha Public Schools
References: Interactive Color
Merrill Middle School
Science for Teachers
References: Interactive Chemistry
Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center
Psychology: Suggested Activities/Resources
References: Blindsight, Blind spot, Time to Think, Comparative Neuroanatomy
Mitchell School District
Course Resources: Science
References: Time to Think
Moscow School District #281
Psychology Resources
References: Blind spot
Munster High School
Chemistry 1: Links
Jeff Graves
References: Interactive Chemistry
Murrieta Valley Unified School District
Technology Curriculum Team: 4th Grade Math
References: The Magic Sierpinski Triangle
North White High School
Mr. Kiester's Favorite Websitse
References: Interactive Chemistry
Orono School Department
Science Links
Sandra Cookson
References: Interactive Biology
Prairie du Chien High School
Class Pathfinders: Cause and Effect
References: Student web paper
Queen Elizabeth Regional High School
Physics: René Descartes
References: Mind and Body
River Bluff Middle School
Brain Websites
References: Lateral Inhibition
Rapid City Stevens High School
Physiology & Anatomy 2
Barb Schmidt
References: Comparative Neuroanatomy
Royal High School
English Resources
References: Mind and Body
San Ramon Valley High School
AP Biology
Robin Groch
References: Variability in Brain Function and Behavior
Scott County Public Schools
High School Interactive Websites
References: Interactive Chemistry, Interactive Physics
Six Rivers Charter High School
AR Biology: Resources
References: Interactive Biology
South Putnam Junior-Senior High School
Social Studies: Is Seeing Really Believing?
References: Blind spot
Springfield Township High School
Quest Themes: The Human Mind
Dallas Alexander
References: Mind and Body
The American Physiological Society
K-12 Science Education Links
References: Serendip
The School District of Palm Beach County
Professional Development Websites
References: Brain and Education
The School District of Philadelphia
Office of Creative and Performing Arts
References: Student web paper
Triton Junior-Senior High School
AP Biology: Biology Links
Dawn Slein
References: Interactive Biology
United High School
Links to Famous Scientists
References: Mind and Body
Warren Central High School
Psychology Websites
References: Playground
Wessington Springs School District
7th Grade Science Links
Linda Foos
References: Interactive Biology
Westford Academy
Psychology & Sociology: Mrs. Whittemore's Homepage
References: Prisoner's Dilemma
Willamette High School
Biology: Science Links
References: Interactive Biology
Student contributions to public conversations about science
Serendip materials include papers written by Bryn Mawr College students. These frequently prove to usefully fill a niche on the web between professional writing and very popularized writing. Many of these papers are both highly cited as judged by Google ranking on popular search terms. And are the foundation for continuing public discussion of their respective topics as seen from comments in associated on-line forums.
For each of the search terms in the left column, a student web paper appears highly ranked in Google searches, as shown in the middle column. The third column shows the number of comments made on the paper in an associated public on-line forum. Sample as of 28 March 2008.
Search term | Google ranking | Posted comments |
adrenoleukodystrophy | 48 of 229,000 |
4 |
Arnold-Chiari malformation |
11 of 217,000 |
19 |
bipolar, creative | 1 of 1,390,000 |
31 |
blindsight |
23 of 773,000 |
4 |
blushing |
7 of 6,490,000 |
33 |
chemical castration |
3 of 150,000 |
11 |
cocaine, nervous system |
1 of 1,540,000 |
8 |
déjà vu, brain |
6 of 423,000 |
48 |
dissociative identity disorder |
11 of 230,000 |
10 |
hallucinogenic drugs |
4 of 304,000 |
7 |
health, fasting |
1 of 661,000 |
9 |
homosexuality, genetics |
2 of 252,000 |
5 |
human sexual attraction |
2 of 211,000 |
0 |
human sexual attraction |
3 of 211,000 |
9 |
hypnagogia |
2 of 31,600 |
3 |
muscle twitching |
30 of 280,000 |
15 |
phantom limb |
65 of 524,000 |
0 |
proprioception |
2 of 424,000 |
10 |
sleep paralysis |
38 of 557,000 |
100+ |
transient global amnesia |
8 of 64,500 |
43 |
Turner's syndrome |
39 of 820,000 |
34 |