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AnnaP's picture

What is the revolutionary potential of comics as a medium?

Hello classmates, professors, and visitors!

As the culmination of The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, I have created a comic in dialogue with Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics that is meant to complement his work by both demonstrating how his ideas are useful and also highlighting some things that he left out of his theory of comics as a revolutionary medium.

merlin's picture

a GIST Portfolio - online!

still in the works, but it's easier to show pictures and video online than it is on paper! 
If anyone wants to do something similar, or finds an even better website to do it with, feel free!

kgould's picture

Final Presentation: GIST to GIST

For our final presentation, our group (consisting of Maria, Julia, Katherine, and myself) put together a game of Apples to Apples using terms and vocabulary from the course. 

Apples to Apples is a game of association and definition. Each player is given seven noun cards and a stack of adjective cards lays between all of the players. One player turns over an adjective card and it is their job, for that round, to judge the noun cards that are applied to that adjective. For example, I turn over the adjective card "Virtual." Maria lays down "Serendip," Julia lays down "MMORPGs" and Katherine lays down "Batman." I choose "Serendip," because I think that best fits the adjective (although Batman would be a close second).

ajohnston's picture

Final Performance Description: Weaving Together The Stories of The Course

For our final presentation, Coral and I interpreted the interactions of the four texts, as well as Adaptation, through the “Line” literary theory of J. Hillis Miller, who proposes that the trajectory of a narrative can be traced as a thread through the tissues of the page, and on a broader plane, that of culture. Through a silly, simple chalkboard illustration we tracked Darwin’s original line of The Origin of Species into Dennett’s book which explicated (shown through an unraveling) and complicated (shown through a know) Darwin’s line. After Dennett, the we found a parallel line of literature along the scientific stories studied thus far, and both Generosity and The Plague intertwined to show the inter-and intra-textual relationship of literature.

ajohnston's picture

A Creative Conversation Between Three Texts

Audrey Johnston
Professor Dalke & Professor Grobstein
Web Project #4

A Creative Conversation Between Three Texts

hlehman's picture

Evolution in the media: the translation of our story in The New York Times

 One of the most significant ways in which I have learned from our class this semester is through its manifestation in other realms of my life.  As new themes evolved in our discussions, their appearance in my life outside of class has progressed into my social life, other class discussions, and I have even noticed their presence frequently in the newspaper.  I think it speaks to the nature of the course that almost every conversation we have had has followed me outside of the classroom and I know others feel the same way.  Even though, at first, I thought it was just a random coincidence that all of my classes were connecting and every day when I ope

Lethologica's picture

Questions of Reality--Questions of Illusion

So this is a bit late, but there's something that's been bugging me, and I feel that I just need to get it out there. I'll begin with this image:

And this one:

And this as well:

How does one tell illusion from reality?

kgould's picture

ORLAN & Frankenstein, Part 2: Beauty and DNA

hannahgisele's picture

Faulkner and the Three Forms of Storytelling

In this course, The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, I’ve learned about what could be considered the three main types of stories: there are non-narrative foundational stories, which are static, hierarchical in nature, eternal, and have no segmentation. There are narrative foundational stories, which are time sensitive, segmented, and there is a sense of movement away from the past towards the future. Third, there are emergent stories, which lack a hierarchy, have no segmentation, and are more explanatory. Each type mirrors the ways in which we have attempted to explain our presence on this earth. The Great Chain of Being closely resembles a non-narrative foundational story telling while the tree of life is similar to a narrative foundational one.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolit and beyond: more grist

 From American West as Classroom, Art, and Metaphor (NY Times 4 May 2011)  

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