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lfrontino's picture

The Female Brain

Book Commentary

Liz Frontino

The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine

Louann Brizendine uses her book “The Female Brain” to shed some light for the masses on the puzzling differences between men and women, by using human interest in order to engage the readers on this interesting topic. This topic has been one of increasing interest to me, especially upon entering college and being exposed to so many different types of men and women.

jrlewis's picture

An Odd Ending

I finally finished reading my translation of "The Arabian Nights."  My text did not include a closing of the story of Shahrazad and the king.  The final story within the frame was unusual in many ways.  "The Story of Jullanar of the Sea" contains four strong female characters that balance the power of the four male characters.  The plot is also atypical in that it has elements very similar to the frame story.  There is a powerful monarch who takes lovers for a limited amount of time and then permanently maims them.  However, in the story within the story, the gender roles are reversed; the woman is the powerful partner.  The male lover, the hero, is able to escape from her harm.  It is a happily after ending, not unlike the translator's note about

Mawrtyr2008's picture


Herbie's picture

Class Notes, 4/22/10

First, let me apologize to anyone who wanted to use yesterday's class notes to write her paper today.  Sorry!


In yesterday's class, we first went over some administrative things, as well as referring back to previous discussions via quotations from guest speakers and other English department faculty.  Please look at those on the Class Notes from that day.

jrlewis's picture

Philosophy and Recipes

What to do with William James? william james His writings on psychology formed the primary textbook for that discipline.  The school of philosophy he developed, pragmatism appeals to philosophers and scientists alike.  Jacques Barzun identifies him as an American hero.  So it would seem that the works of William James have been assimilated into American culture and intellectual life.  If this is true, then what is the point of reading his original writings?  Or why should one use “The Writings of William James: A Comprehensive

xhan's picture

Television as a Social Context


Michelle Han

Literary Kinds-Genre Web-paper 2

April 23, 2010


kkazan's picture

A Guide to William James

Shayna S's picture

Framing Our World: The Form of a Graphic Narrative

graphic [graf-ik]

            1. giving a clear and effective picture; vivid

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