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That Makes Three of Us
Both Tim Burke's and Geeky Mom's blogs easily fell under the category 'easily distracted.' Both encompassed topics ranging from education to food games? I personally have not had much experience with video games, especially those played online like WoW (and I only know a little about it because my brother used to play it), so it would interest me to see how people like Geeky Mom began their relationship with the cybergame world. I have to admit I was a little surprised to see a mom blogging in detail about her game session, but I think it made the blog all the more interesting.

Blogs Reflecting Personality
After Reading Timothy Burke’s blogs I was not surprised that I was still confused by the concept of blogging. When I first started this class I had a simple stance on blogging and now as I learn more about the genres of blogging and the complexities involved I realize that it is definitely not as simple as it appears. As I continue to read different blogs it seems to me that each one has its own personality that incites a different response from me every time. For example, when I was reading Kate Thomas’s blog there was no denying the “flavor” between each line that in a very odd way made me feel as I knew Kate, or at least had a vague notion of her persona. When reading Hannah’s blog it felt as if Hannah were a friend that was merely letting me know how her trip to Chile was going.

Feb. 9 Discussion: Self-Edit and Kate Thomas
For the first few minutes of class we discussed the impact of Hannah's visit as well as how we can handle future visits. The class had little input as to what could be changed for future guest speakers because it seemed as though many of us believed the first visit had been rather enlightening and interesting. Hannah's visit to the class not only allowed for our questions to be answered, but also made some of the students remember trips of their own.

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics
February, 2010 Core Group Meeting
Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion

Day Seven Class Notes: A Conversation "with" Kate Thomas
We started our class today with afterthoughts about the visit from Hannah last week. Sweetp commented that she was able to relive her trip to New Zealand when reading Hannah's blog, and xhan liked how the images made the descriptions come alive and inspired her to perhaps write a blog when she next travels.