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lkuswanto's picture

Stress, Exercise, and GPA


jtm715's picture

Bryn Mawr Switches Back to Styrofoam Containers; Haverford Hopeful for New Composter, Keeps Biodegradable Boxes



Bryn Mawr Switches Back to Styrofoam Containers

Haverford Hopeful for New Composter, Keeps Biodegradable Boxes



By Julie Mazziotta


Karina's picture

Feminism, Or How I Learned to Breathe

Here is my reflection/explanation of my final project:


Calála's picture

Food for Thought Paper

Rebecca Joseph
Prof. Dalke
Food for Thought #9
November 6, 2009
The Crossing of Boundaries
The Trickster in Prodigal Summer
Throughout Lewis Hyde’ career as a writer, he has focused greatly on studying and thinking about creativity and the imagination. In his book, Trickster Makes The Wo

Owl's picture

Feminism is to Feminst as Woman is to Category


justouttheasylum's picture

Hear No Evil: Choosing Deaf

                                                                                  Asia Gobourne
                                         GNST 290: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender & Sexuality

pxie's picture


Normal 0

paoli.roman's picture

Skin By: Nina G. Jablonski (Book Commentary)

 Book Commentary


cejensen's picture

The Diet Myth by Paul Campos

    In The Diet Myth, Paul Campos dissects the myth that losing weight is good for your health. Our government and even many of our medical professionals would have us believe that losing weight is good for you. He demonstrates that losing weight is, in fact, not good for your health, although eating well and maintaining an active lifestyle are. At a number of points in the book he says that a thin person who is sedentary has a higher mortality rate than a person who would be considered “overweight” who is active. It is not the weight that is unhealthy, Campos argues, but rather a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits that are unhealthy. Therefore, the focus on weight-loss as a way to get healthy is bogus.

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