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froggies315's picture

da future!

First, an apology:

At the end of class today, Anne asked us: “What is science?”  Truthfully, I find this question (and all the other definition questions like it) incredibly irksome because I feel that it assumes 2 things:

1. That I haven’t thought about what science is (I have)

aybala50's picture

On Framing the Rest of the Semester

Lesson Plan?

Day 1- As several people expressed an interest in learning about the "basics" of feminism, we decided to dedicate the first class as a "Feminism 101" course.

Day 2- Continue with "Feminist Fairy Tales" by Barbara J. Walker

At this point we talked about having a week on Feminism and Sex Work 

Day 3- A documentary on sex workers? 

Day 4- First-hand accounts on sex-workers

We would then be able to discuss the role of the documentary in feminism, with the first-hand occurrences as well

Spend the next week looking at queer and sexuality? Some ideas for Day's 5 and 6:

Looking at the history of queer and sexuality. How does it relate to feminism?
Maybe "Khaos theory", or Judith Butler?

Day's 7 and 8:

Look at feminists who are not women

Men, transfolk etc. 

Look at Men's rights movement?
Discuss breaking down the binary? Feminism's role?

Last day before performances:

 Bring it home: Trans at women's colleges, which are traditionally feminist institutions. What is our role now? As feminist institutions? 

Anne Dalke's picture

Exploring motherhood

Since a # of you are interested in the question of motherhood, I thought you might be interested to learn about Demeter Press: a peer-reviewed scholarly press focused specifically on the topic of mothering / motherhood. It came to mind because this week I received two calls for papers: one on "Stay at Home Mothers: An International Perspective," and another on "Criminalized Mothers: Criminalizing Motherhood." There are others, viewable from the home page, on "Reconceiving Black Motherhood," "East Asian Motherhood," and "Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices."

colleenaryanne's picture

Our Ideas for the Rest of the Semester

These are the notes from the discussion between FrigginSushi, MC, meowwalex, and I.


-       Globalize but also non-white American feminists

-       More theory – not necessarily gender and performativity but what do feminist writers think feminism is. More of a foundation.

  • We would have to decide from where we want to draw that foundation. There is so much out there and we would have to determine what would be useful. We have to pick and choose.
  • That is how most other English classes are structured, but is that how we want our structured?
  • Pick one topic and give basic theories on that. But that is picking single women out to represent feminism and we’re trying to avoid that?
  • Can’t really give a “crash course.” It would also be a lot of heavy academia reading.
  • Look through Feminist Ryan Gosling tumblr and discuss the theories brought up in the memes. 

-       Liked the documentary. Do another one?

-       Poems are fun. Don’t have specific examples of feminist poetry.

-       Queer stuff. Other voices. Non cis women. It would be new, unexplored territory.  FrigginSushi really likes Tyra Banks.

pejordan's picture

Shaping the Rest of the Semester

This is what Ellen, Shannon, JD and I came up with:

Overall theme: less binary division; also recognizing that not all women are the same, want the same things, etc.

-Three classes focusing on controversial women (Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, potentially Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter); are their voices being heard? (potentially discussing motherhood more)

-Three classes looking at queer studies; Eli Claire--> disability and queerness; also exclusion of trans-women from feminist circles

-Three classes exploring sex work; interesting power plays, how women are viewed in sex work differently than men

Ideas regarding class structure in general:

-Having more optional/supplementary texts, films, and materials to account for the varying levels of experience with gender studies

-Looking at more films in general, also discussing the problems of documentaries some more

-Using hand-raising as simply a means to signal that you have something to say, not necessarily having to leave your hand in the air

-Trying to make the classroom seem smaller--> an actual circle, stop using the projector?

juliagrace's picture

World Travel/ Sharing Across the World

The topic I keep returning to and reflecting on is World Travel. More specifically I was thinking about World Sharing and how amazing and beneficial it could be for students to be able to share things with other students in different countries. I took Japanese my first year at Bryn Mawr and towards the end of the class we would make video files of us speaking in Japanese and English and send them to "buddies" we had in a university in Japan. They would then send us videos of them speaking in English and Japanese. We would all also type what we said in the language we were learning and then the native student speaker would correct it and write a reply in the language they were trying to learn. This was an amazing experience and obviously we were all nervous at first but you ended up really connecting with your buddy because you'd see them laughing when they knew they got something wrong or pulling their friend into the video. Obviously this requires technology and money but I just think it is such a unique way to share the experience of learning across the world.

vvaria's picture

Group Presentation

Oops! In all the pre-trip excitement/chaos I forgot to post my blog this week! I hope this reaches you all in a not TOO delayed fashion. 


This week, I am going to blog about my group presentation on language diversity. Riley and I both worked on the portion of the presentation that connected the theme of language diversity, specifically in Ghana, to the theoretical frameworks we had opened in class at the beginning of the semester.  Undergoing this process was highly valuable for a few reasons.  For one, it gave us a way to reflect back on the texts we had read and the theories we had come to understand as valuable contributions to the discipline.  Also, we were able to observe tangible situations for the theories and seem them more practically applied.  Theoretical frameworks always have the ability to expand our knowledge base and encourage a deeper level of thought, and this was a very valuable experience, for the presentation, and for ourselves as well. Now looking at it and our presentation as a whole, the theory we had uncovered as pertinent to the discourse only began to brush upon the frameworks we could have opened up.  Language acquisition theories would have also been a very interesting segment of theory to open up for discussion, and could have added to the overall message and value of our presentation. 


Anne Dalke's picture

Breaking feminist news.....

Just wanting to be sure that "everyone" knows about the interesting and adroit (feminist?) move our team made last week: Bryn Mawr College books performance artist Villanova cancelled.

Also, here's French feminism updated -- a new study showing that young women deserve credit for pioneering vocal trends and popular slang: They're Like, Way Ahead of the Linguistic Currrrve.

leamirella's picture

Defining "Genre": A Graphic Paper

ckenward's picture

Language Diversity Reflection

So sorry this is a bit late!


For our presentation on Language Diversity I was primarily responsible for setting a background of conflicts and relevance of language diversity.  While I was looking for sources on language diversity in Ghana I was continually reminded of some of my experiences in India.  Especially around the issue of English and having a Ghanaian identity imposed on English.  India was also colonized by the British and while they gained independence before Ghana (about ten years earlier) the British influence, including the use of English as a national language, is really prevelant.  Language in general shares a lot of similarities between the two countries; both use English as the primary language in their education system while having a myriad of native languages.  While I was in Delhi (where they primarily speak Hindi and English) I found myself often using and being confronted by "Hinglish."  For example, instead of using Hindi numbers people often used English numbers because linguistically they make more sense.  However, some numbers were always said in Hindi (1, 5, 20, 30) which I think is one way Indian identity was imposed on English.  

Language has been a subject of real interest to me since coming to Bryn Mawr and I really enjoyed doing a presentation on language diversity.  For me, language reveals so much about a culture and what it values.  Language informs so much of how we think about different issues without even realizing it!

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