Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!


phreNic's picture

My Latin Mind

 In my struggle to learn the Latin Language, I tried various study materials but found myself spending too much time adjusting them to my own understandings and connections. 

ekthorp's picture

Inside and Out: Gender, Information, Science and Technology in Metropolis And Contemporary Images


          In the film Metropolis, made in 1927 by Fitz Lang, is possibly the most influential Science Fiction movie of all time. Technology and gender intersects often in this film, creating a forum to ask broader questions about gender, technology, science and information. Beyond just the academic studies of this film, however, there are ways this eighty year old film and themes from Gender, Information, Science and Technology all intersect within a contemporary popular music video, Jessie J’s “Do It Like a Dude.”
Hilary_Brashear's picture


See video

Web Event 4: Final Project


See video
Vivien Chen's picture

From Reality to Randomness

 "Death and life have their determined appointments; riches and honors depend upon heaven." - Confucius

Sarah Schnellbacher's picture

Catholicism on Evolution and the Evolution of Catholicism

Catholicism on Evolution and the Evolution of Catholicism


phyllobates's picture

A Scientific Inquiry into the Art of Scientific Writing

 A Scientific Inquiry into the Art of Scientific Writing


Chemistry Department, Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave., Haverford, PA 19041, USA

Received Date: 5/13/2011



anonymous123's picture

Final Portfolio!

My final portfolio, which I created on tumblr. It also has my final project, which I created through I'm not tumblr savvy, so I don't know how to reverse the order of the postings. Therefore, you must go to the bottom of the page and read the posts from bottom to top (oldest at bottom and most recent at the top).




*Wipes sweat off of forehead 

rubikscube's picture

Processing Music and Information (with cara)

My final web project was done in collaboration with cara.

Our project can be found here.

cara's picture

Processing Music and Information

(in collaboration with rubikscube)

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