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elisagogogo's picture

Journey to the Brain

   Our brain is amazingly complex. It is complicated not only in its biological way, but more importantly, in how it helps us to think, to understand the world and to construct reality. We shape our brains to form distinctive subjective reality with the help of five senses. Our self experience of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching brings us lively perception. We also construct the brain by dream and illusion, discovering what we can’t feel in solid sense.


ecollier's picture

The Future of Cultural Change is Future Cultural Change

            Human culture is in constant motion. Human beings seem to have a long history of forward thinking. Because of this, cultural change has been taking place constantly from the beginning of culture. More specifically, the fight for equality for various oppressed groups of society have fought or been fought for since inequalities existed. More recently, the fight for animal rights has been a priority in many minds. As has happened in the past, animals will one day lay claim to some form of official documentation of rights.

EVD's picture

Non-Fictional Prose and the Reality of All Creatures

          Throughout this course, we have explored the difficulties of categorizing literature as fiction or non-fiction. Because all literature is bound to be biased and because categorization as “non-fiction” implies truthfulness and factuality, no work of literature can be categorized as “non-fiction” with any definitiveness.

jessicarizzo's picture

Teaching for Inspiration

Paper Three: Teaching for Inspiration


FluteSound4's picture

My Paper as a Blog


                                    Our Brain and our Body

epeck's picture

The Future of Education - Brain Based

SoundsLikeBanana's picture

Let the Games Begin by Prianna Pathak

this is my final paper:


Let the Games Begin

Here are my options: write this paper or play Rock Band with my peer mentor. The average Bryn Mawr student would choose to write her paper, knowing that it was due the next day or that there are greater consequences and rewards of the paper. Yet the rewards of playing this video game, according to recent studies, may actually help me in the long run. A new world of experiments and hypothesis have arisen testing how video games both hinder and help the brain, and specifically its unconscious functions.

kbonds's picture

The Train

Kayla Bondi

The Train

CParra's picture

Significance of the Brain in constructing an Essay



Carolina Parra

December 12, 2010

Significance of the Brain in constructing an Essay

Evren's picture

The Dangers of Not Knowing how to Talk About Education

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000236 EndHTML:0000016359 StartFragment:0000002766 EndFragment:0000016323 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/evrencakir/Documents/Evren/2010-2011/Fall/Brain,%20Education%20&%20Inquiry/Third%20Paper.txt

Evren Çakır

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