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Caitlin Jeschke's picture

A Book Review--Synesthesia: A Union of the Senses by Richard E. Cytowic, M.D.

        In the second edition of his book Synesthesia: A Union of the Senses, Dr. Cytowic draws on his intimate knowledge of the development and workings of the human brain, as well as his ample experience with synesthetic patients of various ages and backgrounds, to define the basic characteristics of the phenomenon, search for a probable location for the physiological integration of synesthetic percepts, and relate synesthesia to common neurological processes that allow each one of us to interpret our surroundings.  Along the way, Cytowic provides a current model of the architecture and connectivity of the brain and neural tissues, as well as some interesting examples of how synesthesia can inspire the creation of art and music.  

nasabere's picture

Memory Distortion and its Connection to Reality

Memory Distortion and its Connection to Reality

"Memory is the scaffolding upon which all mental life is constructed."

–Gerald Fischbach


Mahvish Qureshi's picture

Hypnosis, more than just a magic trick

                “You are getting sleepy” are the last words you hear as you close your eyes and shut out the gold watch waving in front of your face. This is the classic image that is conjured when imagining a hypnotist or circus sideshow. Hypnosis is not as simple a phenomenon as circus shows make it seem. How does the brain work to override a person’s better judgment and leave them quacking like a duck on stage? What gives the suggestions spoken by a virtual stranger such power? All of these questions and more have been studied by analyzing the brain and its various regions activated at certain times.

Angel Desai's picture

Brain and Culture: The Crossroads Between Humanity and Biology

Throughout the course of the semester, the Bio 202 class has attempted to formulate an understanding between mechanisms of the brain and subsequent human behavior. One of the core areas of discussion has been the integrated action of neurons and its consequences on human accomplishment. Of particular interest is the way in which sensory stimulation from the external world can interrelate with groups of neurons and actually mediate change in an individual’s behavior. The book “Brain and Culture,” by Bruce E. Wexler takes the fundamental issues discussed in Bio 202 and applies them to larger ideological and socio-cultural

Paul B's picture

Manic Depression and Creativity – A Book Review

Manic Depression and Creativity – A Book Review

Paul Bloch

Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, is a mental disorder, which is characterized by a cyclic shift in moods between mania and depression. Manic symptoms include hyperactivity, inflated self-esteem, high risk activity, decrease need for sleep, distractibility, and flight of ideas (a rapid, uncontrolled flow of thoughts). Depression is characterized by dysphoria, loss of interest or pleasure in usual pastimes, decreased energy, decrease appetite, and suicidal thoughts (1). It is hard to imagine how one would be able to function regularly with such debilitating symptoms.
Paul B's picture

Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment – A New Approach to Treating Psychiatric Disorders?

Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment – A New Approach to Treating Psychiatric Disorders?

Paul Bloch

I have noticed that some students seem as though they are in better moods whenever spring comes. When I asked them why their mood is uplifted during the change in season, they reply that they just love the warmth and brightness. This led me to investigate correlations between good weather and mood. My research led me to one fascinating disorder: seasonal affected disorder (SAD). Patients with seasonal affective disorder suffer depression during the fall and winter seasons but become functional again when the season changes to spring/summer.

Rica Dela Cruz's picture

The Geography of Thought- Book Commentary

Whenever someone tries to compare or analyze the underlyingbases for the culture and customs of different races or groups of people, theperson making the comparison or analysis almost always runs the risk of beingcriticized for what appears to be “generalizations” as to why certain groupsbehave, act and think the way they do. It is, therefore, very important for aresearcher doing a study on human behavior, such as a people’s way of thinking,to define at the outset the scope of the study being made and the methodologyto be used.

Rica Dela Cruz's picture

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Associated With War Veterans and Victims

  Except maybe for those who sell military arms and equipmentsand, therefore, think that "war is good for business," most of us would agreethat war is destructive and has no benefit whatsoever to humanity. The loss ofmillions of lives; the destruction of almost everything that man has built overthe centuries; the millions of people who suffer from major and permanentbodily injuries and loss of limbs; and the traumatic and post-war psychologicalsufferings of both soldiers and civilians (who were in harms way), makes onewonder whether it is ever worth it "to fight for one's country." 

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