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Angel Desai's picture

The reality of Reality

Throughout the course of this past semester, the Biology 202 class has attempted to reach an understanding regarding absolute truth in the face of multiple realities. The division between an individual’s personal reality and some greater unifying factor is a topic which is widely discussed in Vedanta literature as well. More specifically, certain Vedic practices advocate the belief that the soul is misled by matter and trapped in a state of illusion.[1] It

Caroline Feldman's picture

Book Commentary: Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior

My dog doesn't like change. She likes the same morning routine, at the same time, all the time. She likes treats to be predictable, although she won't turn one down, ever. She knows the bedtime routine of treat-sleep. There are days she won't eat breakfast unless I give her American cheese first. When I get dressed, she assumes "walk time," even when I'm wearing “dressy” clothes. I used to refer to her as, "my autistic dog." Little did I know.

Lyndsey C's picture

Knocking on New Doors :A Review of Mind Wide Open

          Fortunately for many of us, studying neurobiology doesn’t have to be rocket science. In fact, it’s merely brain science! According to Steven Johnson, author of Mind Wide Open, studying the brain is best approached with an open mind (pun intended). At times, it may be difficult to comprehend the various complex processes which are occurring within our skulls each day. Furthermore, it is often a challenge to relate such knowledge to our everyday lives. Johnson’s book attempts to make this journey a little less arduous, however, by colloquially explaining several salient brain processes in a way that inexperienced readers can understand and appreciate without much confusion.

Jackie Marano's picture

What Your Nose Knows: Smelling is Believing...or Deceiving?

When asked to define ‘reality’ or to consider the ways by which one concludes that a particular physical reality ‘exists,’ the average human will tend to reference their visual, tactile, and auditory abilities, and probably in that order too. These modes through which the majority of humans assess and process their surroundings are three major and essential contributors to how we, as humans, define the existence of a physical reality. However, a fourth mode of perception that is also extensively used and trusted, but whose scientific, historical, and practical significance is severely underestimated is our

Allison Z's picture

Television and the Brain

Allison Z's picture

Language and the human mind

The book Patterns in the Mind by Ray Jackendoff approaches the question of how language works. Language is perhaps the most unique aspect of humanity, as we are the only creatures to have the capacity for this type of communication. The book explores this facility of language, and what goes into the process of learning and becoming fluent in a language. The book questions what is specifically human about the ability to create and use language, and to what extent language is a result of nature versus nurture Jackendoff is very careful to differentiate between language and communication in this book: while many animals communicate, only humans have the complex grammar systems that constitute language.

Jessica Krueger's picture

The Tangled Wing and Bio 202: Cause for Wonder in Understanding

I’ve always been one to judge a book by it’s cover; not necessarily to the exclusion of picking up a tomb for casual reading, but I must admit that there’s nothing quite like a pretty picture to make me want to thumb the first few pages. Such was the case, I’m ashamed to admit, which led to my perusal of Melvin Konner’s recently revised The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit (Henry Holt, NY). The yellow cover depicts da Vinci’s “Vertuvian Man” superimposed with an extended wing, an image which is also used to break up the text into sections, and at the very top a photograph of a human, male back.
asavannah's picture

Do Neurological Differences between Women and Men Exist?

Neurobiology & Behavior

Book Commentary



Do Neurological Differences between Women and Men Exist?



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