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Do Humans Use 100% of Their Brains?

Biology 202
2000 First Web Report
On Serendip

Do Humans Use 100% of Their Brains?

PaShawnda Briley

Where did the persistent statement that humans use 10% of their brains originate and is it valid? It was first coined by William James, a philosopher and psychologist. Some professionals have even stated even lower percentages, like Margaret Mead saying that we use 6% of our brains (3). If this statement is true, it implies that humans could behave very differently and perhaps with greater thought and purpose. If the statement is a fallacy, it supports the brain equals behavior theory, such that the brain is not harboring unused capacities and behaviors.

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Abortion and Women's Rights: Unification of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice through Feminism

Knowing the Body
2004 Second Web Report
On Serendip

Abortion and Women's Rights: Unification of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice through Feminism

Claire Pomeroy


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Schizoaffective Disorder: The Journey Back from Crazy...

Biology 202
2006 First Web Paper
On Serendip

Schizoaffective Disorder: The Journey Back from Crazy...


I had always been a drama queen. My grandmother even nicknamed me Sarah Bernhardt, after the queen of Vaudeville melodrama. My high school superlative was "Most Stressed Out". Type A overachiever is the tip of the iceberg.

The problems began during my sophomore year here at Bryn Mawr. My moods swung like a pendulum. I would work productively for days and then suddenly find myself unable to get out of bed in the morning. At the end of fall semester, I decided to apply for the prestigious Hanna Hollborn Gray Fellowship, so I could spend my summer immersed in Irish Women's Literature and take a Gaelic course at Penn before my semester abroad at Trinity College in Dublin. I spent Winter Break up to my elbows in theory and criticism. I had 24-hour reading binges. My sleep cycle was in chaos. I did not even consider seeing a doctor.

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