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Why Can't I Speak Spanish?: The Critical Period Hypothesis of Language Acquisition

Biology 202
2003 Second Web Paper
On Serendip

Why Can't I Speak Spanish?: The Critical Period Hypothesis of Language Acquisition

Stephanie Richardson

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Repressed Memory

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Biology 202
1998 Second Web Reports
On Serendip


Dena Bodian

For years scientists have been attempting to ascertain whether or not homosexual behavior can be linked to a biological catalyst. From Alfred Kinsey's revolutionary survey in 1947 to the current media upheaval about a prospective "gay gene," the desire to pinpoint a cause for the personalities and behaviors associated with homosexuality has reached new plateaux. The scientific community is constantly developing more and more evidence to suggest that there may well be a neurological explanation for homosexuality. Although historical studies and purposed treatments have ranged from group counseling to shock therapy, recent research suggests that exposure to an abnormally high or low amount of certain hormones could potentially affect sexual behavior.

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Developing and Overcoming Antisocial Personality Disorder

Biology 202
2002 Third Paper
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Developing and Overcoming Antisocial Personality Disorder

Shannon Lee

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