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RecycleJack Marine's picture


I am trying to find out which animals are native to the City of Philadelphia. From my own experience I know that the ground species are gray squirrels, raccoons, opossums, field rats, field mice, deer, rabbits, garter snakes, groundhogs, and chipmunks.

Online I found that the PA Game Commission has held seminars this summer to discuss animals native to this area. I know the game commission officer who led the workshop, so I plan to contact him for details.  

Wil Franklin's picture


Understanding Ecosystems: Structure and Function



Make a Legend for this Map.
(one possible legend)
(another possibility)







Robert McCormick's picture

Self Determination

Back to my blog

 Create a sense of self-determination

joycetheriot's picture

Teacher Stories


Brain Drops

Brain Drops 

Dalia Gorham's picture

Dalia's and Deidre's Empathy Unit

Empathy Where Has It Gone 
Bruce Williamson's picture

Zetetic- a science method

Rowbotham wrote: "The term Zetetic is derived from the Greek verb Zeteo; which means to search, or examine; to proceed only by inquiry; to take nothing for granted, but to trace phenomena to their immediate and demonstrable causes. It is here used in contradistinction from the word "theoretic," the meaning of which is, speculative--imaginary--not tangible,--scheming, but not proving."


While you are explaining what he meant, put in your thoughts about his methods. What does he do with observations that is different from the theoretical scientists that he disagrees with.



Bruce Williamson's picture

Rowbotham's Preface


Samual Rowbotham (1816-1885) wrote in "Earth Not a Globe":

Benjamin Zerante's picture

Global Warming Lesson

Global Warming: Which Story is Less Wrong? 

 Objective: SWBAT examine and analyze current data used to support different stories about global warming. After considering the information available, students will determine what they believe to be the most accurate summary of observations (including in this their own observations about global warming). Students will use the web as a primary resource in obtaining information and thinking about the topic.  


Anne Dalke's picture

Some Theory about Science and a Sense of Place

Some Theory about "Science and a Sense of Place"

Randal Holly, last summer's institute:
"What aspects of their world do our kids care about?
What would it distress them to lose? (Anything made of marble...??)
Can we use that as an incentive to learn?"

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