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William Sgrillo's picture


Hello! Welcome to my page.


Me and Riley 2005 Institute. Stay Tuned.....

Tammi Jordan's picture

Tammi's Curriculum Proposal


For the coming school year I would like to go in depth about storytelling by having my students start to build on their story. 

I would like to do this in order for them to get a better understanding of who they are and begin to appreciate/respect the difference in others.  IMy hope is that in the process others will begin to understand that everyones story is unique and thereby acting on stories is irrespoonsible.


Diane OFee-Powers's picture

Meditation for Middle School

These are the sites that I found on meditation, I hope you find them helpful.

Here is a website that I found to teach mediative breathing. I want to teach myself over the summer and then start teaching my students in September. I think the meditation will assist us in our academic and emotional journey. Meditation has been shown to improve concentration to help us academically. It has also been shown to assist in dealing with conflict. Click on to read more.


Robert McCormick's picture

Learning Styles

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There are some simple approaches that teachers can utilize daily that will benefit all students.

Allow more time.  Many children will do better when tets are untimed. Extended time on assignments can also improve the quality of their work.

Teach to their strengths.  Find out what they're good at and interested in and build on these when developing lessons and assignments

Robert McCormick's picture


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Bob Brooks' definition, discussion, and illustration of empathy.

Empathy is the capacity to put oneself inside the shoes of another person and to see the world through that person's eyes.

Empathy implies that you have trained yourself to consider how other people perceive situations.

BBI Teacher's picture

Rosa Dubisette Home: Choices and the Brain

Seat Selection Among African American Youth

The Implications
By Rosa Dubisette

Deidre Bennett's picture

Additonal Links for Empathy Lessons

When a good man is hurt all who would be called good must suffer with him.
Euripides (BC 480-BC 406) Greek tragic poet.

The following are additional web links for lessons to help teach empathy.

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