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Bruce Williamson's picture

Evidence & Experiment Three-Bedford Level

In 1872 Samual Rowbotham (1816-1885) wrote in "Earth Not a Globe", a nice preface that you should read if you have time. It shows that he honestly reports what he sees and is unlikely to be a fraud.

Bedford Level Experiment

A round, globe-type Earth should have curved surfaces, especially of standing water. Some math can show that any "level" surface would drop off about 8 inches in the first mile. The second mile should put the water surface 2.7 feet below the horizontal line through the starting point. The third mile, 6 ft and by the sixth mile, 24 ft. Sam tested this on a very long, very straight canal called the Bedford Level.

Bruce Williamson's picture

Evidence & Experiment Two-Horizon Viewing

Take a look at the horizon of a great expanse of level land or sea. See if it looks flat, curved upwards or curved downwards. Use a long straight-edge held or balanced on something steady to assist your eyes. Here are some photographs in case you do not have such a big view within convenient distance from you.



Bruce Williamson's picture

Evidence & Experiment One-Sun is Far Away

To start we will make some assumptions:

1. The Sun is much farther away than the Moon. You may take that as a good story for itself, or check the evidence that the ancients used. There is so much background evidence that it might be better to just take this idea as the best story that has been found yet and not spend much time trying to prove it.

2. The Sun, Moon, and all visible planets are roughly spherical.

3. That calculations based on a curved surface Earth show drops in level at greater distances:


Circumference = 40000 Km = 24800 miles
Diameter = 12732 Km = 7894 miles

Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Brain and Behavior Project

Research About Teen and adolescent Thinking and Behaviors


How did you do? How quickly can you complete this? Time yourself,do you getter with time?

In this section, we will look at what the "scienctist/storytellers" have to say.


Bruce Williamson's picture

Project; Does 19th Century Evidence Tell You Whether Earth is Flat or Rotund?

Do You Believe that the Earth is a Rotund Object in Space?


Is your belief based on personal observation of evidence or is it only because a large number of teachers, including your parents told that this was the case?

In this project you will be asked to suspend your belief in what space traveling cameras have shown you, namely that Earth is an oblate spheroid. The Earth looks roughly spherical from space. But pretend that you were living prior to any space travel and had to use only evidence you could gather rigth here on the surface from direct observation. What story best explains the evidence? Might a Flat Earth Story work better than a Round Earth Story?


Angela Bryant's picture

Introduction/About My Self

 I love teaching High School. I teach at Randolph Skill Center. I teach Math and Computer Science.Click here to see the site for the School District of Phila.


I also teach at Community College of Philadelphia. I teach the Cisco Networking Academy. I teach at CCP part-time. I have my CCNA(Cisco Certification Networking Associates) and my CCIA(Cisco Certification Instruction Associates). Here is Cisco Networking Academy site.

Tammi Jordan's picture

Social Skills Training

Social Skills


Why should teachers be concerned with social skill training when this is what each parent should be doing daily?


Parents are teaching social skills that are relavant to their household and community.


The problem is that we have not bought into a universal set of social skills as we have common languages. In homes where there are multiple languages are spoken it is understood that there is an accepted language that is used in academic and business settings.


This leads us to:

Angela Morris's picture

Curriculum Development Proposal

Purpose: For students to embrace their unique learning style. To establish their style and use it to reach their full potential across the curriculum.


Objective: Students will use their preferred learning style in all subjects with the help of aides by the teacher to create a differentiated learning environment.


Materials needed:

LCD Projector (549.99)

Computers with internet acess

White Boards with markers (50)

Cluster tables

Tape recorders with headsets (159)


television with dvd (99)

area rug


science materials

journals (10)

Donna Morris's picture

Curriculum Development Proposal

As a result of me being a participant in The Brain and Behavior Summer

Institute 2007 I am submitting the following curriculum proposal:

I would like to do a Girl's Self Esteem Group,where they can tell there stories

and get the needed skills and concepts to enhance self esteem ,

assert themself effectively and hopefully change their stories .

This will help reduce the level of shame, guilt, and isolation.

The girls will learn coping skills and behaviors for

expressing and realizing their full potential.

The class will include:

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