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Mitch Schwartz Post 2

30 Jul 2003


Welcome to my Literacy class. This webpage will, hopefully, evolve and change as the year progresses.

First, I'd like to take you to some places on the Internet. So click on the links and enjoy...

You can join my message board website. Use the class key:P62993P72. _Wait!_ Don't go there yet-- first copy the class key I just gave you. Okay, *now* go. Nicenet

*Here is an American History project that you can try:*

Battles of the American Revolution

BBI Teacher's picture

Mitch Schwartz Home


Contact Information

* Name: Mitch Schwartz * Email: * Company Name: EEI03 * Company URL: * Country: USA * Comment: Mitch's Page*"Where everyone can be themselves, especially _me_."* Welcome to my homepage:

_Join me in pursuit of excellence in education._

You can join my message board website. Use the class key:P62993P72. _Wait!_ Don't go there yet-- first copy the class key I just gave you. Okay, *now* go. Nicenet

Here's a nice website to visit with comicbook artwork. Press Here

BBI Teacher's picture

Lois Mackey Post 2

My 2/3 split was doing a social studies assignment, I don't recall the specific community/neighborhood topic.Whatever it was, the assignment emergence into what was the community /neighhood like in the past, If changed, why? What was difference?
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Lois Mackey Home

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Dawn Mackey Post 3


by Lois and Dawn Mackey

What Is Student Motivation?

Student motivation naturally has to do with students' desire to participate in the learning process. But it also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie their involvement or noninvolvement in academic activities.

Motivation is a complex issue, with a number of causes.

BBI Teacher's picture

Dawn Mackey Post 2

This year the school district featured a new standardized test--The Terra Nova. Since it was new to the district, a baseline was needed, so they gave the test in the fall. Scores were promised to be returned quickly. And for once, scores actually returned quickly. I was appalled at how poorly my class did as a whole, especially in comparison to the other eighth grade classes. I knew my class was less motivated than the other classes to learn, but I didn't believe that they didn't have the skills to be successful if they only tried. I had decided that since they weren't trying, I was going to stop trying too.
BBI Teacher's picture

Dawn Mackey Home

Welcome to Tools for Empowering Students!

If our students are to be successful in the classroom and in life it is important that we empower them. In order to empower them they must first be MOTIVATED to learn.

What motivates students?

Contact Information

* Name: Dawn and Lois Mackey * Email: * Company Name: * Company URL: * Country: USA * Comment:


Created by Dawn Mackey
July 2003


Victoria Brown's picture

Colorful periodic table

Colorful Periodic table!!!

Graham Phillips's picture

Superball Bake-Off!

When you think of "science," what words or pictures come up in your mind?  Write or draw you answer in the space below:








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