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Anne Dalke's picture

A Sense of Place--and Movement

Hi. I'm Anne Dalke. Like some of you, I'm trying to make the move, now, from "brain and behavior" to "science and a sense of place..."



I'm also working very hard this summer on finding a new, personally designed 'sense of place.' I'm living a tandem life, going back and forth between my so-beautiful farm and family life in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and my so-engaging work and colleagues @ Bryn Mawr.

Graham Phillips's picture

Getting it less wrong.

Since the beginning of the institute on Monday, we have talked about science as a process of getting things "less wrong".  While I applaud that way of thinking about science, I voiced a concern in an earlier response to the first or second session (don't remember which) that this might be a difficult concept for students in Grades 5 and 6 to grasp, as they are just beginning to make inferences and draw logical conclusions. 

What I would like to look at, then, are interactive, web and real-time based games that help the students think about "getting things less wrong" and working with science as a process of revising and editing their stories about the world around them. 

Cheryl Brown's picture

Cloud Resources

      My husband and I enjoy traveling and have been to many beautiful and interesting places. I really love to look at clouds, preferably from above them. 




Teresa Albers's picture

What Do You See? (Making Observations)

What is he doing with that pot on his head?

Picture source:

Look up....

Bruce Williamson's picture


Victoria Brown's picture

Chemistry Songs

William Sgrillo's picture

Resource Page

List of interactive resources for reading:

From Misunderstood Minds:

Understanding Decoding Problems:


Poetry Splatter:

Story Maker:

Victoria Brown's picture

Chemistry - fun resources

Teresa Albers's picture

Curriculum Enhancement Proposal

Enhancing the Currriculum: Observation and Storytelling Skills

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