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360 Self Evaluation
When I first heard of this 360 and the topic, I got so excited and could not wait to be apart of it even if we were not traveling outside of the country like the other 360 classes did. Once the classes began I realized it was going to be an intense semester because I realized how many different point of views everyone had and I noticed this huge learning gap between my peers and I. I really found the “tension” we had in class at the beginning to be really interested. Even though I am aware that I have experienced these learning gaps between my peers and I in other class, it was really different in our 360. This was the first time I had conversations about it in class with my classmates. When it came to speaking of these issues I would usually just vent with my friends outside of classes. I really loved the fact that as the semester continued, we became more and more willing, or able to, speak of these privileges with one another. This has been an experience that I will never forget, I really loved the fact that the professors became so willing to give us the space to work on an activist project as part of the class.
At first I was really struggling with the readings and I would not really try to get them done. As the semester continued and noticed that I began participating less in class, I realized I needed to at least try to read as much as I could. So I started a “new strategy” to read, I began completing at least one of the readings so I can participate in some ways. One thing I recognize I needed, and still need to, work on is my writing. I still believe my writing is nowhere near being like my peers and although I understand it does not have to be equal, I do understand I have to improve. Throughout the semester I became discouraged from making my writing public – like on serendip for example.
I know I fell behind on my posts and I think that a lot of it had to do with me worrying that I was not going to be able to write as much as my peers. When it came to leaving comments I also felt a bit discouraged from reading a lot of my peers posts because of how long they were. I know I should not be having excuses as for my lack of participation and I do recognize this is something I had to work harder on, but did not.
Something that became a con was the fact that because three out of my four classes were discussion based and that affected my participation in my fourth class. My fourth class was a huge lecture class and it became a bit hard for me to stay focus even though I loved the topic. I am not sure if this was a personal problem or if this is due to the set up of the program.