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Nelly Khaselev's picture

Why do we need a mind?

My first reaction in class was that there absolutely is a mind and a brain that co-exists and governs our behavior and personality because there is os much to a person and his/her personality that i could not even begin to grasp the idea that everything could be simply be a code of chemical/electric reactions in our body. However, when I began to read everyone comments (which were all very interesting) I realized I didn’t not need “the mind” to explain any observable part of human behavior and more some. I, from what I know now, just see that the physiology of the brain although it is not all understood has the potential to explain our emotions, our subconscious, our thoughts, even maybe why we have morals and other complex questions. Hormones, chemicals, and neural messages govern humans. The only question that I ask is whether we feel happy because our sensors received a chemical message, or is that chemical message sent because we are happy? I do not know the “right” answer to this question, if there is such a thing, but I currently think that we feel happy because of something, that causes a signal in the brain that passes through out body. This something can be ice cream, a love story, or even something that is not observable like the our subconscious. You know, when you have those days when you are just in a good mood! I love those days. See you all soon.

 ~Nelly Khaselev


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