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Daramantus's picture

wrong philosophy

This article is nonsensical at Its best.

Sorry, but you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
this is a complete misunderstanding of physics/neuroscience and reality.

About colors, No one has even told us that color does not exist, and you know why? Because colors do exist. Without color existing first we would never see any colors at all, our brains can't create something from nothing (I explain it in more detail later), people who has the disease called 'colour blindness" doesn't have a problem in their 'brains', actually they lack of cone cells in the eyes(which is used to translate reflected 'coloured' wavelength of the object and fill the image formed in your eyes, to become coloured)

This whole “does something exist without an observer” mindset is lame. Color exists outside our minds, if color didn’t exist, then why did color vision evolve? There needed to be water for fish to evolve, there needed to be land for fish to evolve into amphibians on up, there needed to be air for wings to evolve, there needed to be things to see for eyes to evolve.. and so on. Just like there needed to be color in the world for color vision to evolve. That’s how evolution works, adapting to what is there..

That doesn’t mean color isn’t subjective.. it’s neither subjective or objective really, it’s relative. Relative to your biological hardware that evolved to see color. Such as your cone cells.. If you have more red cones than someone else, you’re going to be able to see more shades of red. If you’re lacking green cones, you’re not going to be able to see green.
That’s how light works.. It strikes an object and reflects back the corresponding wave length. Infrared and UV light waves are not light waves that interact with an object’s color, rather other properties. Such as a flower petal having a surface that is able to reflect UV light. Your cone cells have actual pigment in them.. Red pigment in red cones, green in green cones, and blue pigment in blue cones. Each individual cone cell has countless pigments in it, each with varying degrees of concentration. So when you’re looking at some green grass, sunlight is hitting it and reflecting back a very specific wave length. The grass is green, but the light wave reflected back isn’t actually green in color, but it will only be able to pass through a specific concentration of green pigment in a green cone cell.. and when it passing through that, it sends the color to your brain. If you don’t have any green cone cells, there will be no green pigment to allow the light wave that corresponds to green to pass through. So there is green color to grass, a colorless light wave reflected back that corresponds to green, and then green pigment in your cone cells that matches the light wave reflected back by the grass that sends the green color to your brain for processing with the rest of the image. Color exists out in the world.. but how we perceive it is relative. Luckily for us, through our evolution we’ve developed full color vision. Although, your brain can really jack up the signals being interpreted.. such as synesthesia, or brain isn't creating, it is interpreting. Remember too that light energy can be separated via a prism and that's why there are colors through light.

So, We do know that you directly see reality and colors exactly how it is, If we can't see one color, is because we lack cone cells to perceive it..
If still in doubt...there are thousands of people who experience NDE (brain dead) which they could see color outside their brains, even blind people could see for the first time...

Concluding, our eyes works almost like a camera, yes, you have a direct picture of the world, thankfully, your eyes are a more powerful engine, and working together with the brain (which perceive motion more accurately, we can have a perfect image of reality that we see directly.
Here's an example:

Now about how would be "reality outside the brain" ?
hahahha, This is a joke? You already are in the reality "outside" the brain, the brain is part of the reality you are directly experiencing, I don't have words to describe how nonsense is this.. To think otherwise is to believe in "solipcism" which is indeed bullshit.. If everything in the "real reality outside the brain" (LMAO) were Fuzzy, so only you are real, can you handle that?
Dude, Pay attention, I'm gonna say only one time, either you are a solipsist (believing that your consciousness is the only one that exists and the rest of us are just characters in your dream) or there must be other consciousnesses out there (assuming there everything is "fuzzy". there's no "out there" how can there be other consciousnesses?
dreams are another proof of an objective world, because only only people with sight can dream, dreams are memories of the objective world, blind-people can't dream, that's another proof of an objective world first..
There has to be an objective world, for if it is all an illusion than it wouldn't be nor make sense. We need the objective world to create a subjective one and the same vice versa, Our minds have limitations to our physical and objective being, for we can not fathom a new color, or imagine a completely new and alien sound, unless without experiencing it first. The world is full of subjective illusions, yet the objective world itself isn't. Again we need subjectivity to have objectivity and vice versa. In world of no objectivity will only create a world of nothingness and only conscious without being able to produce a single thought; thus, we would simply not exist. In a world of no subjectivity will only create a world of beings with no consciousness and no perceptiveness; therefore, we would simply as well not exist nor evolve and etc. We need one to meet the other for this simulation our body perceives of the objective world to even be. You brain isn't creating, the brain is interpreting objective reality according with our eyes/other senses. whatever it is in front of you that your eyes are seeing are the way they are.

Taking about the fact that the only way we can interact with the physical world is through our senses (supported by neuroscience) and extending it to say that everything outside must be "different" (is not supported by neuroscience). We interact with matter every day in very real ways; if we couldn't actually interact with matter, we'd all starve to death. Actually, no, we'd die of dehydration. Actually, no, we'd suffocate instantly. And there's the problem that if everything exists inside the brain, where does the brain exist? It's just existential navel-gazing.



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