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Poppyflower's picture

Am I Important?

On Thursday, we discussed how many people used to feel that they all had a role to play in the scheme of the universe, but how in more modern times, people started to feel that the individual does not play that important of a role. While I think that some of us might not have the biggest role to play, I think that we all somehow influence the lives of others. Even the smallest, and most seemingly unimportant person can affect the lives of those around them. And because much of the time the effect of that person on the life of another is indirect, as in the person being influenced does not realize it, many are therefore left to think that they have reached their current place in life completely without help or influence.

skindeep's picture

library of babel - an idea that should have come to mind a while ago

it seems like a lot of people have been revisiting the library of babel, which seeing that its nearing the end of the semester makes sense i guess.

seeing that so many people were writing about it, made me briefly skim through it in my mind and i realized something. as i remember it one of the strongest reasons people seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea of such a place existing was because it would mean that no one could ever create anything new - because it had already been predestined to exist or already existed in another form somewhere in the stacks of this library.

merlin's picture


 We (Marina and Merlin) Led a class activity today, in which we tried to illustrate a particular aspect of the transformation of information. Our goal was to look at the critical distinction between observations and interpretations..



HOW Can you interpret something created by code and algorithms?


Hillary G's picture

Frankenstein and Lilith: An Examination of Creator and Creation

 Hillary Godwin

April 19, 2011

GIST – Dalke

Frankenstein and Lilith:

An Examination of Creator and Creation


      For this Webpaper, I intend to examine the concept of creation in Frankenstein and how it reflects my understanding of gender and technology. To do this I will incorporate the myth of Lilith to further discuss the relationship between the creator and the creation. I will draw parallels between the two stories, concerning the role of gender, information, science, and technology in generating perceptions of creation.


Relationship Dynamics

tangerines's picture

Sadie's Final Performance Description

Apo and I performed an excerpt from our skit, "A Natural Disaster," in class as our final performance.

Here is the full description of Apo's and my final performance.

Riki's picture

Class Notes for 4/20

Class Notes for 4/20
Reactions to Lady Gaga:

phreNic -- The image is not necessarily empowering. She's the motorcycle. You ride motorcycles...


m. aghazarian's letters to dead people post -- who is the master and who is the creator when you use technology?

check out merlin's post about a complicated idea involving nanobots


Anymore thoughts on Bloodchild?

Hilary: do others think the interpretation is useful? (humans as technology and technology as humans)

the message is that technology is something you can have intimate personal relationships with; emotions tied into technology

Franklin20's picture

Bloodchild: A Close Reading

Bloodchild: A Present Day Dystopia


J.Yoo's picture

In June 2009, China banned the "gold farming" practice.

Saw this article a while back:

"In addition to its ongoing crackdown on Internet porn, the Chinese government has declared that virtual currency cannot be traded for real goods or services..."

It's worth noting, though, the in-game items like armor and weapons are not considered currency, and therefore are not covered by the ban.  So, my question is, what's stopping people from farming the gold, buying a shiny new breastplate, and selling it off to the highest bidder for real-world cash?


Apocalipsis's picture

Apo's Final Performance Description

The following is a copy of the scene performed in class today from my second webpaper written with tangerines. In terms of the presentation schedule, I introduced the plot and tangerines elaborated on the character development prior to the performance.



By: Sadie Mahmoud & Apocalipsis Rosario


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