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Marina's picture

Psychotherapy in Cyberspace

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           The internet and its vast connections across the globe have allowed for an unprecedented flow of information, communication, and technology that has never been matched before in terms of speed and volume that these connections operate. As a result, psychologists have begun to explore cyberspace as a viable platform for psychotherapy and clinical work. Cyberspace psychotherapy offers many improvements from face to face psychotherapy.

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dfishervan's picture

Reading Order

A few weeks ago, we discussed the criteria for selecting books for a course on the evolution of literature. Since then, I have been thinking about the elements of the stories we’ve read and watched that made them candidates for this course’s required readings. While reflecting on the books we’ve read and movie we watched this semester, I realized that their most advantageous traits were the ones that connected them to the stories read/watched and informed our reading of the next book. I suppose this makes sense in a class where we’ve learned that evolution in a biological and literature sense is endless.

anonymous123's picture

Natural Hair Community on Youtube

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Natural Hair Community on Youtube

It is perhaps the woman’s curse to be pressured into societal norms of what is considered beautiful. Although many know the common saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” it seems as though most do not truly agree with the notion. Since the arrival of enslaved Africans on American soil in the fifteenth century, the standard of beauty has changed very little. In the media and entertainment industry, blonde straight hair is considered the ideal hair type, and sought after by most who are not born with it. Women receive information about the standard of beauty in their culture, and are thus expected to meet those standards.

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cr88's picture

Anna and Krishnan, Final Presentation Images/Write-Up

 Attached are the word clouds Anna and I used for our presentation, and below is our outline for how we wanted to structure the discussion. We wanted to base our discussion primarily on the class's input, but as you may notice, many of the things we had planned to talk about or found interesting beforehand were also what people found interesting in class.


Project Presentation


MSA322's picture

Technological emergence

     In three of the classes I have been taking this semester, the internet, technology and the intra-action between them and us, humans have overlapped in many ways. The internet is becoming increasingly relied upon by us, technology is improving constantly, at a speed never ever thought of before.
In our reading of World Wide Mind, Chorost gives and example of how connected one becomes with his/her electronics, these technologies that we have become very relying upon. He mentions his story of how he lost his BlackBerry, and referred to is as if his BlackBerry is a part of him, “ ...and I walked out, minus BlackBerry.”

ib4walrus's picture


 In Anne's discussion group on Thursday we touched on whether differing interpretations of what someone says or anything else they may put out there for the public and how to judge if any interpretations were "inaccurate".  This was not referring to outright lies and intentionally misleading others such as quoting "he hates _____" when the actual quote was "he loves ____".  Rather, we were trying to see if it is wrong to personally interpret someone's words as the original meanings may be lost during the process.  Personally, I feel that there are labelling it interpretations as wrong or right would not be very effective, rather it should be on a degree scale.

Lethologica's picture

The Libraries of our Mind

Alright, so I've noticed that people seem to be revisiting the idea of the Library of Babel, and thought that I would give it a go too. Despite everything that was explained when the idea was initially introduced, and everything we have discussed since, I still kind of like the idea of this all-inclusive Library. I might, however, have a slightly different image in mind when I picture the Library of Babel than the one that Dennett did, one that might account for some of the irregularities that we, as a class, picked up on for Dennett's model. Granted, this image has gone through several revisions since I first conceived of it, but I believe that I have settled on something (for now!) that I quite like.

kgrass's picture

Leave it to Chance...

 Katie's Reality 

Poppyflower's picture

Leave it to Chance...

Katie's Reality 

“Hurricane Charley made landfall on the southwest coast of Florida near Cayo Costa, just west of Ft. Myers around 3:45 p.m. EDT on August 13, with maximum sustained surface winds near 150 mph. This made Charley a category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. The maximum storm surge associated with Charley was six to seven feet on Sanibel and Estero Islands. Charley caused ten direct fatalities in the U.S. and an estimated $14 billion in economic losses. It was a harbinger of things to come, being the first of four hurricanes to affect Florida in August and September of 2004” (

Anne Dalke's picture

Final Presentations!

This week we will be hosting your final presentations about what-and-how you have been learning in this course. If you are performing alone, please plan to take 5-10 minutes. If you are performing in a group, aim for 10-15.

Monday we'll have performances from
Marina & merlin
Apo & tangerines

Wednesday we'll hear from
MissArcher2, rubikscube, cara, MSA322
Oak, m.aghazarian, J.Yoo, kgould
Franklin20, shin1068111, vgaffney, spreston, Hilary_B
J.Yoo, Riki, aybala50, kelliott, ekthorp, Hilary G

I don't have commitments from smile or TiffanyE--
let me know, please, either as a comment here or via e-mail?

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