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Riki's picture

world wide therapy

It was interesting to watch our dialogue with Chorost because we didn’t read the whole book so it seemed like we were taking away a message he didn’t intend. We seemed to be focused on the idea of putting the internet in our brains and how potentially damaging that constant access might be. Though I haven’t read the whole book, I suspect he was proposing the idea of connecting minds to each other, not to the internet. So humanity would grow closer because people would literally be sharing their thoughts and emotions as they experience them. The saying “to walk a mile in your shoes” would become obsolete. With this in mind, I was wondering if a connection of minds would be effective for talk therapy.

dfishervan's picture

A Story is a Story is a Story?

Storytelling has played an integral role in human life and for centuries, the printed book served as the primary means for capturing and transmitting these stories. The quest for technological advances also suffuses society and has expanded the number of mediums available for delivering a story. My “Stories of Evolution” course has been examining the evolution of literature and more recently, has focused on the effects of communicating a written story via film. Our class has neglected to discuss the impact of literary technologies such as audio books and ereaders, that preserve all of the word choices of the author in the storytelling experience.

hope's picture

Lessons from Bertha

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”


dfishervan's picture

A Story is a Story is a Story?

Sarah Schnellbacher's picture

Evolution of Translation

There are few efforts more conducive to humility than that of the translator trying to communicate an incommunicable beauty. Yet, unless we do try, something unique and never surpassed will cease to exist except in the libraries of a few inquisitive book

--Edith Hamilton

phyllobates's picture

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words, but What are the Words that We Choose?


P=1,000*audience; (units= words)

(a picture is worth 1,000 words x the number of people viewing it)


MSA322's picture

Teknolust, the internet, emergence and crazy thoughts..

Teknolust had a lot of themes that are worth discussing. However, a couple of them stuck in my mind. One was the repeated comment about the dependency of women on men. Where is it true that the SRA's needed men's sperm to "re-charge", men also needed women to have intercourse with. I think this only shows the importance of both genders to the survival of humankind, one can't survive without the other, and this was shown through the virtual SRA's. The movie showed the binary of reality and virtuality.

OrganizedKhaos's picture

To Show or To Tell

How has image and documentary film changed the fate of anthropological text?

movie of the mind

movie of the mind (G. Grow)

bhealy's picture

Accepting Change: Angels in America from Broadway to HBO

In Tony Kushner’s groundbreaking two-part play Angels in America, a saga revolving around the trials of life, the complexity of loss, the meaning of relationships, and the confusion of spirituality, 1980s New York City serves as the backdrop for tumultuous change and heartbreaking realizations, echoing the pain that many Americans were feeling at the time. Kushner’s no holds barred look at both physical death and dying relationships stimulates a discussion on how uncertain change can be and how life moves on regardless.

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