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kgould's picture

Observations of Teknolust

Sadie, Susanna, Kate


  1. Costume choices (for the clones/Tilda)
  2. Emasculation and commodification of male characters (reverse? sexism; if the genders were reversed, it would be so inappropriate)
  3. Sex as currency (condoms for donuts)
Hillary G's picture

Ekthorp, Shin1068111, and Hillary G

 In our group of 3 (ekthorp, shin1068111, and Hillary G), we discussed the following ideas as being the most interesting observations: 

- How the virus infected the men and their computers at the same time

- The unique use of colors, and how mostly primary (but also some secondary) colors were used

- The fragmentation of the scientist into 3 different parts (how each self had a different personality, yet they were all her). Also how sexuality and intimacy was represented in her clones vs. in her "real" life. 



Amophrast's picture

Observations on Teknolust

From m.aghazarian, phreNIC, J.Yoo:

- How much did Rosetta influence their personalities? Frankenstein influenced by society, they are influenced by Rosetta

- Rosetta asserts authority because she created them. Children vs. creation(s). Does she have ownership of them?

- "Born with wills of their own"--so what would have happened if they ended up being used labor? Rebellion? Is free will relevant when your choices are limited?

aybala50's picture

aybala50, kelliott, jlebouvier class post

 1) The SRA's both inject and drink human sperm 

2) They have the power to completely change the stock market with the wave of their hand 

3) Human men are infected by a computer virus after sexual contact with SRA, resulting in a barcode on their forehead 



kgould's picture

Cyborgs and Disability Studies

I've been trying to think about Haraway's cyborg and the idea of someone with a disability augmenting that disability with technology (i.e. wheelchair, cochlear implants, medication, etc) and becoming a cyborg.

This is problematic, I think, because I've been reading a book by Tobin Siebers called "Disability Theory" in which he addresses this idea of a disabled cyborg. But, he writes, a disabled cyborg is no longer seen as disabled. 

Once someone has taken technology in order to address their disability, that disability is supposed to be of no consequence--they have corrected it--even though the individual is still disabled. What kinds of implications does this have this have for cyborg theory, technology usage, and disability studies?

Hillary G's picture

The Dangers of Integrating Mind and Internet

       While our class was talking to Michael Chorost yesterday, I was struck by what seemed to me a glaring flaw in his plan to integrate human minds with the Internet. Fusing a brain and a microchip is one thing (which has a specific function that only affects you), but connecting your mind to other peoples’ minds could have all sorts of ominous implications. It seems obvious to me that the most dangerous of these problems is the possibility of a virus or hacker infecting the mind as it would an online website.


An Active Mind's picture

"Stomp Out Stigma" with Active Minds!

Last night Active Minds held an unveiling of their “Stomp Out Stigma” video followed by a panel discussion, which included Anne, Michael Tratner (a professor of English and Film), and Elna Yadin and Alexis Rosenfeld (two psychologists at the Child Study Institute). 

elly's picture

"Can't we just watch the movie??"

Elly Leman

Webpaper #3

Due April 15th, 2011


“Can’t we just watch the movie??”


OrganizedKhaos's picture


After watching this film Adaptation which starring Nicholas Cage and Meryl Streep, a certain line resonated with me and really helped me connect it to our class, along with the Darwin references and one liners about adaptation and evolution of course. Charlie explains writing in one scene of the film and I thought it made so much sense  in terms of what we have talked about in our own writing experiences as well as when talking about Power's Generosity. In this scene Charlie explains to his brother Donald, an aspiring screen writer who is taking a "how to" class, what it means to write. He says (not word for word), 

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