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hlehman's picture

Plagued for a sense of meaning

In Paul's class yesterday we became engrossed in a conversation about writing in journals and why people blog online/ are now so open to expressing themselves and sharing with millions of strangers what they used to keep secret and so privately stored away.  After thinking about it more, I think that this conversation also connects to the second half of our discussion about The Plague

leamirella's picture

Reading Frankenstein Differently.

Coming out of class on Wednesday really made me think about how Frankenstein, (and really any other novel) could be presented in the future. I remembered this project that Professor Katherine Rowe showed me and it really got me thinking about the presentation of the novel. Frankenstein is presented in codex form where a reader simply picks up the book, reads and finishes it (hopefully) and close reads the text. While every reader can come up with their own interpretations, the gist of the book remains the same. The narrative is the same way, the characters are the same and the reader starts and finishes (given that the reader does finish) at the same points.

AnnaP's picture

Exiled in your hometown

In Professor Dalke’s Thursday discussion section, we explored the idea of solidarity in times of struggle and talked about a lot of different scenarios in which we, like Rambert, might be tempted to leave a difficult situation. The difficulty of being separated from one’s homeland because of a difficult situation, however, seems to be a problem even for the people who remain in Oran, for the place they are staying is not like the one that they knew before The Plague descended upon the city. They are transformed and develop a different relationship to the space they inhabit; the disease fundamentally transforms their relationship to their city.

tangerines's picture

Justice, Morals, Plague, Oh My!

In our small group today, we discussed justice and whether justice is impartial. Can we make accommodations for others while being just? Does justice require accommodations to be just? My first answer was that justice cannot make accommodations to be just, and in demanding that justice also be kind that we confused it with fairness or humanity. But then I decided to consult our favorite source, the OED. The OED online lists the meaning of justice as "The quality of being (morally) just or righteous; the principle of just dealing; the exhibition of this quality or principle in action; just conduct; integrity, rectitude."

ajohnston's picture

Evolution in Advertising

 In my Junior English Seminar at Haverford, we are reading James Joyce's Ulysses. Recently, we have been discussing the role of advertising in the novel; the incessant imagery of signs, store-front windows, flyers, and commercial refrains not only colors but literally creates the landscape of the novel. As a result, it seeps into the consciousness of the characters and interacts with their internal dialogue to create a hybrid thought-process of advertising language and original speech. While this novel takes place at the turn of the twentieth century, the concept rings true to today's world, if not equally then only more so.

Marina's picture

class notes 4/4

Class notes 4/4/11

Dalke: Asking for input on papers. Seemed that some questions on panel were beneficial and led to interesting papers. Goal was to make conversation larger.

  • Asking questions of multiple people on the panel seemed to add more dynamic.
  • Maybe find a way to have less people on each panel?

Virtual Identities

cr88's picture

The Epigraph

 After our class discussion last week, I kept thinking about how crucial the epigraph seemed to me with regards to how it changed my reading of Camus's work, and how it didn't seem "accurate" in this light that certain editions leave it out.

mindyhuskins's picture

No Book is New: The Continuing Evolution of Literature

“'The finished book doesn't interest me,' he said, only the book that is being written, 'the book to come.'”*

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