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Anne Dalke's picture

A post-gender world?

According to Kathryn Vogel in the MIT course on Gender and Technology,

Haraway defines a cyborg as: 

"a creature in a post-gender world; it has no truck with bisexuality, pre-oedipal symbiosis, unalienated labour, or other seductions to organic wholeness through a final appropriation of all the powers of the parts into a higher unity. In a sense, the cyborg has no origin in the Western sense -- a 'final' irony since the cyborg is also the awful apocalyptic telos of the 'West's' escalating dominations of abstract individuation, an ultimate self untied at last from all dependency,"

Anne Dalke's picture

Reproductive Technology

Alicia Kaestli, in the MIT course on Gender and Technology,

reads Shelly’s text as a comment on reproductive technology.... This theme is similar to feminist’s opinion on reproductive technology in the 1980s and 1990s...  initially uncertain of the effects of reproductive technology.... "patriarchal control of women’s’ bodies achieved through medicine.” Nevertheless, there was enthusiasm in the feminist field about the use of reproductive technologies ....

Juliann Reardon followed the same theme:

Apocalipsis's picture



By: Sadie Mahmoud & Apocalipsis Rosario


MARK, early forties    Social scientist; sociologist & psychologist

PEDRO, late thirties   Life scientist; geologist

MARY, mid twenties    Informational scientist; librarian

DAVID, early fifties      Humanist



Online video chat, taking place 5 days after the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Each character interfaces with a screen, on which he/she is able to see and interact with the other characters.



Anne Dalke's picture

The Politics of Being a Cyborg

According to Kameron Klauber, in the MIT course on Gender and Technology,

MissArcher2's picture

3/30 Class Notes


Panel 1: Introductions

Vgaffney: representing psychiatrists in 21st century. It’s a relatively new field that bridges an interesting gap between social and natural sciences. Physics in imaging of mapping brains and medications (chemistry), biology and anatomy, studies and statistics about how many women in the field 20% in 70s to this field is said to be more suited to women

shin1068111's picture

3/30 class notes

Note for 3/30


Skyping with MIT’s biological engineers

-       Intrinsic value of human beings

Paper due at midnight on Friday

-       Theorizing the experiences on the panel

-       Or a creative piece

Panel discussion

Apocalipsis's picture

3./30/11 GIST Class Notes

GIST 3.30 Panel Discussions

spreston: facebook users- using technology to create identity and how it changes social interactions. According to news articles, people are having facebook depression. Information, gender roles & binaries interest

 MSA322: music in Arabic revolutions- from experience growing up in Arabic world, music usage has varied in reaching out to western world when communicating. Most singers are male, but when females are included in this revolutionary method, it’s more powerful, decode music to get message out

dfishervan's picture

A More Positive View of "Generosity"

tangerines's picture

Art and Science... Great Gallery Exhibit from 2010

I thought others might enjoy images from a 2010 exhibit at Princeton called "Art of Science". They're really quite fascinating and beautiful.

From the "About" page:

"The Art of Science exhibition explores the interplay between science and art. These practices
both involve the pursuit of those moments of discovery when what you perceive suddenly
becomes more than the sum of its parts. Each piece in this exhibition is, in its own way, a
record of such a moment.

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