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ckosarek's picture

What is the role of fiction in science? (Help us with our final project!)

 Hi fellow Serendippers (or are we Serendippians...?), 

For our final project, ewashburn, rachelr, katlittrell and I are exploring medium by using a Facebook page as a place to explore the question, "What is the role of fiction in science?" If you all would like to participate or just watch, you can "like" our page. We'd really like this to be interactive and would appreciate your reactions!


Apocalipsis's picture

Wanna do a Group Webpaper?

So, I said a plug for my project in class on Wednesday, but I'm posting it here so y'all can get more info. I am writing a short drama piece/ play for my second webpaper. The play will also function as a skit for the panels. If anyone is interested in developing the characters and/ or skit with me, it can count as a group webpaper. If you are interested in performing one of the characters, then that is cool as well (it just won't count as part of your webpaper).  The play outline is listed below.



vlopez's picture

un-happy purpose to bring others up

From this book, I felt that Powers was exposing everyone's inherent desire to be happy.  We are not all like Thassa, constantly happy wandering through life seemingly untouched by the disasters surrounding us.  We are, I believe, individuals who are in a constant state of un-happiness.  Not sad or depressed or angry, simply not happy - the absence of happiness.  Therefore, we all seek those moments of happiness, regardless of how insignificant or important they may be to us and/or the world in general.  Those that choose to see happiness and joy in the most disastrous circumstances - as an example was shared in our group discussion - are more successful, I would say, in finding those 'moments' that we all strive to find. 

Hilary_Brashear's picture

Response to Professor Tian's Class

When Professor Tian showed us the earlier forms of music notation with the neums next to to the more modern form with five staffs, I was once again reminded of Haraway.  The modern version of notation was an abstraction of the earlier writing into different components. Rather than have all the markings around four staff lines the modern version had three sets of staff lines to indicate different information. It was much more compartmentalized for the sake of clarity. I wonder what Haraway would say about our more modern version of music notation that has created boundaries. Would she be more supportive of the earlier notations where all the information mixed together?

tangerines's picture

The Sound of Silence (is Music)

I found our class today with Tian fascinating because it connected to several other ideas. The John Cage piece, Tian sampled for us, 4’ 3”, reminded me  of our earlier class when we listened to a noise band and questioned the definition of information. Now, however, I question the definition of music. I love the idea that even silence has a sound (or that there is no such thing as silence…). If this is true, then silence can create music just as noise does. This train of thought reminded me of an article I read a few months ago on Sean Forbes (, a deaf rapper.

ajohnston's picture

Tracing The Term "Generosity"

While reading Generosity and throughout class discussions I’ve often wondered why Powers chose to focus on “generosity” – so much so that it appears as a nickname for such Thassa’s prominent character and the title for his book. To me, the term “generosity” initially calls to mind a virtuous disposition, an extension of the self – a concept that fits Thassa exceptionally well but one that I struggle to apply to the plot or suggested messages of the story. Is Power’s connecting gestures of giving and acting with conscientiousness toward others, “sharing the wealth” in a sense, to the science of evolution and survival?

leamirella's picture

Class Notes: 23 March 2011.

Notes for 23 March

By 5pm Friday, post the culture that you will be representing for the panel next week on the stickynote. (Note that this deadline is earlier than the midnight deadline for the regular posts.)

We will also be responding to the questions that were raised at the end of class on Monday by Apocalipsis and Tangerines.

(Apocalipsis: Why do we need to know the science behind Barad? Tangerines: Why is this important? Isn't this relevent to just particle physicists?)

mindyhuskins's picture

Some Thoughts on Generosity: Maybe It Is Not Quite So New

"If I were to write the chapters of my book in a continuous form, each time exhausting the chosen subject, they would certainly be more complete, more comprehensive, of a nobler character. But I fear lengthy texts, and you, reader, are worthy and capable of grasping the whole by means of a few random details, and knowing the end by learning the beginning"  - Jahiz, The Book of Animals

spreston's picture

Is Noise Music?

A topic that came up in today's class with Tian that really interested me is the difference between noise and music.  At the beginning of class, when he performed by standing in silence to show us that in Cage's (I think that was the composer's name?) view, all noise can create music.  This idea was further explored when we sang the raindrop song, a kind of song that can never be repeated exactly as it was sung before.  Both of these examples brought me back to a book from my Politics of Music class. 

anonymous123's picture

Objectivity in science and the physical world

 After class on Monday, I started thinking more about whether objectivity is possible in the physical world. The video we watched on Dr. Quantum and how particles react differently when being observed made me wonder if the behavior of the particles mirror the real world. Perhaps the way in which the world as we know it is actually classified by those who control information, despite what the actual fact of the matter is. When we discussed gender earlier in the course, we talked about how classifications are restricting. Perhaps these classifications, like many other classifications we use, actually mirror the views of those who create the classifications, and are subjective rather than objective.

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