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KT's picture

Complication Made Easy!

 “Problems in science are sometimes made easier by adding complications.” (Dennett, p.38) 

An Active Mind's picture

What's My Brain Like?

When Anne and I met a few days ago she asked me to describe my brain.  Her question surprised me.  I’ve never really thought about my brain as something tangible; I haven’t thought about its tactility or what it might look like.  So just now I closed my eyes and took a few minutes to envision my brain, to think about metaphors.  I see it as being covered in Chri

An Active Mind's picture

Invisibility, Visibility, & Stigma

One of the main questions we have to ask when thinking about mental disability in relation to “physical” disability is the dichotomy of invisibility and visibility.  I use the term “physical” loosely because more and more studies are finding that mental illness is a result of physical abnormalities in the brain and that it, too, is bodily.  Nonetheless, mental illness is often something we can’t see.  It can alter one’s behavior and mood, but these things aren’t quite as tangible as an actual disfiguration of the body’s surface

alexandrakg's picture

Darwin's Dangerous Idea

 Something interesting Dennett points out in Darwin's Dangerous Idea is that while Darwin did not point out specifically a 'creator' as the cause of variation or evolution, he does rely on the idea of a 'mechanism' pushing the process forward.  The parallel to Hume was actually quite striking, who wrote of a grand 'mechanic' who tried and failed until he got the world right, "Many fruitless trials made: And a slow, but continued improvement carried on during infinite ages of world-making" (Dennett 31).  Though Hume did not his own idea seriously and was merely musing for the sake of argument, it is certainly interesting.  Hume did not imagine that there were nothing at all behind the evolutionary process, and to a certain extent, neither did Darwin.

An Active Mind's picture


Below are a list of questions I hope to explore throughout the semester that concern the relations among disability studies, mental illness, and literature:

Anne Dalke's picture

The hedgehog and the fox

Last thought for the night....our discussion today of the distinctions Hayles makes between "deep" and "hyper" attention, and between "close" and "distant" reading, put me in mind of the famous line coined by the ancient Greek poet Archilochus: "the fox knows many little things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." We were talking about this idea in the evolution class last week.

Anne Dalke's picture

Watson Rules! Or; A Computer Learns to Decode Natural Language

A really interesting example and test case for our discussion, today, about what information is, was provided by tonight's Jeopardy. If you have been living in a cave, be sure to check out

On ‘Jeopardy!’, Computer Win Is All but Trivial

Anne Dalke's picture

Urinary Signage/Segregation

I wanted to record a coupla' things arising from our class conversation today about "information."

First, I'd promised you some signage. I got interested in this question when I was on the Transgender Task Force a few years ago, and we were talking about (what else?) single use and gender-neutral/flexible bathrooms:

ekthorp's picture

Class Notes 2/16/2011

 Class Notes 2/16/2011

Today we began class by Mirealla going around the room and saying everyone’s name.  Then we outlined the prepartions for next class, which included, readings for Monday, video for Wednesday, scheduling writing conferences.

1.     The Science and Technology of Information

Reviewing two articles from Monday’s readings:

            Katherine Rowe (English Prof.)

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