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merlin's picture


  Hello! I am Jacqueline (aka merlin). I had never quite caught onto the texting craze before entering college, and now seem to text endlessly because "all my friends do it." How frustrating it seems that some parents will just never be able to understand how sending 1500 messages in one month is even physically possible "Dad, 1500 isn't even that many compared to everyone else! It takes you 20 minutes to send just ONE" Long story short, the advent of the cell phone and the text message has been very important to my social and even sometimes academic world. It proves useful for the quick and efficient transmission of knowledge and information.

merlin's picture


  Hello! I am Jacqueline (aka merlin). I had never quite caught onto the texting craze before entering college, and now seem to text endlessly because "all my friends do it." How frustrating it seems that some parents will just never be able to understand how sending 1500 messages in one month is even physically possible "Dad, 1500 isn't even that many compared to everyone else! It takes you 20 minutes to send just ONE" Long story short, the advent of the cell phone and the text message has been very important to my social and even sometimes academic world. It proves useful for the quick and efficient transmission of knowledge and information.

Hillary G's picture

The Piano

(Posting this again because it didn't work the first time so sorry if this shows up twice!) 

Hillary G's picture

The Piano

 Hey everyone, my name is Hillary Godwin, a hopeful psychology major with a neural and behavioral sciences concentration, from D.C. I would definitely say the piano has been very influential in my life. I’ve played the piano ever since I can remember, and although I stopped taking lessons when I was in middle school, I still find myself playing it frequently. It was a great way to de-stress after class throughout high school, and always calmed me down when I was in a bad mood. The ability to read music and master songs that I sought out to learn gave me something creative to focus on that was entirely personal and self-motivated. The piano has been an entirely positive addition to my life, and I can’t imagine what I would have done without it.

Vivien Chen's picture

"Evolution is a Bloody Good Story"

 In class, Professor Grobstein asked the class, "Why am I here? Or rather, Why are you here?" And the first word or phrase that came to my mind was "chain-reaction." Darwin, in his novel "Origin of Species," says that, "We have.. seen that it is the most flourishing and dominant species of the larger genera, which on average vary most; and varieties, as we shall hereafter see, tend to become converted into new distinct species." He then in a later chapter asks how have these adaptations from organisms been perfected. I believe that chance has a lot to do with how we got here and how other organisms became what we now know them as, which correlates to my previous chain-reaction thought.

merlin's picture

Introducing myself

  Hello! I am merlin). I had never quite caught onto the texting craze before entering college, and now seem to text endlessly because "all my friends do it." How frustrating it seems that some parents will just never be able to understand how sending 1500 messages in one month is even physically possible "Dad, 1500 isn't even that many compared to everyone else! It takes you 20 minutes to send just ONE" Long story short, the advent of the cell phone and the text message has been very important to my social and even sometimes academic world. It proves useful for the quick and efficient transmission of knowledge and information.

ekthorp's picture


Hi everyone. My name is Emma Thorp and I’m a freshman from Arlington, Virginia, right outside D.C. I’ll probably be an English major, which both excites and terrifies me. While there has obviously been a lot of technology that has influenced my life in significant ways, but my iPod is definitely my favorite one. I love it. It’s been so many places with me, from runs around my neighborhood to cross-country plane rides. Music is very important to me, and the ability to carry all of my music with me, wherever I go, whenever I want, is nothing short of miraculous. It goes everywhere with me.

Lynn's picture

Lynn's Thoughts for 1/21/11

                 I’ve started doing my reading today, since I have most of Friday afternoon off. I admit that I’m not terribly far into the text – I don’t know how this would translate to the hard copy most of the class uses, but I’m about twenty pages into the eReader edition of the chapter – but I just finished the section where Darwin discusses how tiny, almost unnoticeable changes multiply over time until the descendants of two similar animals become completely different species.

Franklin20's picture


Hi!  My name is Michael Franklin (but I go by “MJ”) and I am a junior English major at Haverford.  I am especially interested in this class because throughout my studies here in the Bi-Co, I find myself gravitating towards issues of gender and sexuality, discussing these issues in numerous English classes, an education class, and an Anthropology of Gender class.  That said, I am very interested in exploring the interaction between gender and science/ technology.

MissArcher2's picture

Constant Connectivity

 Hi GIST, my name is Isabel and I'm a junior English major with a concentration in creative writing.















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