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RecycleJack Marine's picture


Regina Toscani's picture

Regina's Sudoku Diary

July 13th 6 min. 34 sec - 68% Very disappointing! I'll try again
   7 min. 33 sec. -  Too many mistakes.  Maybe I'm trying too hard
   5 min.  31 sec. - 56%  That's better!
July 14th 5 min. 7 sec.
GShoshana's picture

Shoshana Sudoku

 7/13  not complete  first frustratated and slowly find the way and did 3 box
 7/19  not complete  start to enjoy the game
 7/20  10 minutes  I completed 4 boxes and enjoy
 7/21  13 minutes
cdivo39's picture


Susan Dorfman's picture

Susan's Sudoku Journal?

Date Time   Thoughts
 7/13  36:49    100% of the world can solve this puzzle faster than I.
       Started off well getting 3 numbers right off the bat, then I got bogged down.
      Jenna cam
cdivo39's picture

Index Summer 2010

Ashley Dawkins's picture

Ashley's Sudoku Journal

Ashley's Sudoku Journal
Date Feelings/Results Reflections
7/13/10 here I go!  
   frustrated  I don't like doing this on the computer!
   30 min  the median was 6 min.
kgould's picture

Group Sudoku Page


Date Time Thoughts
July 13 40:05 "No guessing?" "I don't like this." "I am telling you that is a 5." "Why?" "Ugh." "I think I get it..."


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