Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

Keith Sgrillo's picture

Diversity and Acceptance: Being Less Wrong

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Susan Dorfman's picture

Mini Project #2: Micro and Macro Communication: Unification in Purpose

Mini Project #2:

Micro and Macro Communication: Unification in Purpose

Jessica Watkins's picture

What We Can Learn From Babies

What We Can Learn From Babies

Taking a lesson from the world's youngest thinkers.


"The Moral Life of Babies" by Paul Bloom. Published May 3, 2010 in The New York Times Magazine.



 The Discovery

Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Judith's Sudoku table

 Date  Time Thoughts 
 7/19  35:00m  still having trouble
 7/20  33:00m  need a lot of help
 7/21  35:00m  still not completed one
 7/21  19:45m  I got one finished Yeah!!!
joycetheriot's picture

Joyce's Intro

Fortunately, my high school provided powerful science and math teachers that infused me with the idea of exploring the world according to science.  After earning a degree in Biology; I continued into graduate studies in Oceanography and Marine Science. Naturally, I wanted to use my knowledge to "save" people of the Philippines by joining the Peace Corps. I decided that my expertise in the Intertidal zone would transfer to demonstrating techniques for Mariculture.

cdivo39's picture

Acting and Science: A Correlation

Acting/the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in the theater, television, film, or any of the storytelling mediums who tells the story by portraying a character and usually speaking or singing the written text or play.

Science/a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about nature and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories.

As a teacher and actor, I never once thought of the correlations between acting and science until this institute.  I know that acting is a form of communication as is all of the theater arts, but having gone down this inquiry based road for the past three weeks, I'm seeing things in a different light.  Communication stems from many things.

Geneva Tolliferreo's picture

Introduction agent of change via being a career educator.  Formerly a Special Education and School Administrator, I also serve as an adjunct professor and educational consultant.  I have earned 4 degrees; 3 academic and 1 service. ordained Minister and an active member in a community based church, in addition to serving Pastors, their family, staff, and Ministerial needs via my purposed filled Ministry.  My credo, "Serving Him by Serving His Servants".

...a 1st and 2nd level certified Holistic Consultant which includes (but is not limited to) massage therapy, listening and venting therapy, herbal remedies, and hand blended organic Anointing and Cooking herb infused olive oil.

Paul Grobstein's picture

The purpose of education: preparation or .... living?

Excerpted, with minor modifications, from a manuscript in preparation (July, 2010) by Paul Grobstein and Alice Lesnick tentatively titled "'Rethinking Preparation: An Evolutionary Model (and Metaphor?) of Education."  Made available as a contribution to discussions in a session of the Bryn Mawr Summer K-12 Institute on Brain, Science, and Inquiry-Based Education, and other relevant discussions of education.   Comments are welcome in the on-line forum at the end of this page.  


cdivo39's picture

Cleats' Introdcution

My name is Cleat Dobbins and this is my third institute at Bryn Mawr.  I teach Drama at The Spring School of the Arts in Philadelphia.  I also teach adults affiliated with The Spring School.  The Arts have been part of my life for as long as I can remember and I feel very strongly about it's effects on children and our culture as a whole.  Children in all schools should be exposed to the Arts in order to get a sense of how the Arts can and do effect the lives of all human beings in a positive  way.

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