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jpfeiffer's picture

Random Thoughts

This page is my own random thought page dedicated guessed it, random thoughts!

I realized that after starting this internship I have caught myself thinking in new perspectives about an array of subjects.

This blog is for all of my (and other's) random thoughts!


Anne Dalke's picture

Cripping Sex and Gender


Jessica Watkins's picture


We've been distinguishing (or trying to break the distinction) between "science" and "English" minds, assuming that these are the two main categories when it comes to learning and thinking.  Religion has the potential to be lumped into the "English" mind category because it is seen as the opposite of what is traditionally considered "scientific," or logical.  Religion has stereotypcally been considered the antithesis of science, placing beliefs in gods that cannot be readily seen or measured, put under a microscope or processed in a mass spectrometer.  As a religious person the deeper I look, the more I begin to associate religion with the "science" mind.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Beyond Incompletenss

Notes for an Evolving Systems conversation related to

Chance: Its meaning and significance
Paul Grobstein

2 June 2010

(on line forum at /exchange/evolsys/chance10)

Beyond Incompleteness: Demarcation, Mind, Chance

Jessica Watkins's picture

"Less Wrong"

The concept of "getting it less wrong" is prevalent throughout Serendip, and apparently has been of interest outside this forum's world as well (thank you, jpfeiffer, for the website!).

kgould's picture

Sudoku Journal

Date Time   Difficulty   Comments
01 June 2010 8:46 Easy I feel the need to pause, not because of distractions, but because my mind wanders...
  8:47 Easy  Tried to use the visible timer, freaked out, and restarted.
02 June 2010  7:10 &#1
kgould's picture


My name is Kathryn Gould and I am a rising senior majoring in English and minoring in Biology. While prepping for my upcoming thesis and doing work for the Summer Science Institute, I am also working on a few creative side projects, one of which includes writing, drawing, and designing a web comic with a friend. As someone who thoroughly enjoys both science and English, I am troubled to find evidence that there exists any kind of dichotomy between the two subjects. There is no "science mind" and "non-science mind," in my opinion. It's all just a matter of finding the best way to approach the information, to make it interesting, in order to find a comprehensive, unique understanding of the material.

kgould's picture

kgould's Summer 2010 Index

kgould's Summer 2010 Index

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