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Vicky Tu's picture

The Cause of Aggression

 There has been an enormous amount of violence committed by humans throughout our history, like the Nazis, serial killers, or simply the abusive husbands. The questions are: What causes all these atrocious behaviors? What is going on in the brain of these people as they cruelly push a knife into the flesh of another innocent human being who looks and thinks like themselves? Is it in all of us to commit such crimes? Finding out the answers to these questions is essential to the future prevention of violence.

Saba Ashraf's picture

Sleep Paralysis


The Phenomenon of Sleep Paralysis

cschoonover's picture

The Bionic Arm

    Bionics: the study of mechanical systems that function like living organisms or parts of living organisms. This is the topic of recent and exciting scientific endeavors aimed at returning relatively normal functioning to patients recovering from amputations of limbs.  This research is finding ways to restore neural connections to, and thus neural control of, the prosthetic replacement for the amputated limb.  For Amanda Kitts, who was in an accident that left her with only the uppermost part of her left arm, a “stump” in the vernacular, bionics is providing a prosthetic arm that not too long ago would have existed only in science fiction.  Ordinarily Amanda would have been fitted with a prosthetic limb very limited in its ability to replace the

natmackow's picture

Concussions in athletes: to play or not to play

     You’ve collided with someone, fallen, been struck by flying athletic equipment in a sports game. After an initial evaluation, involving an MRI or a head CT, the doctor tells you that it’s just a concussion, and it is not that bad. After all, your brain is not bleeding, you are not comatose, and with proper monitoring of your health over the next few weeks or months, full recovery is expected.

aeraeber's picture

The Clash of Logic and Emotion

As much as can be established, based on analysis of the currently available data, human morality is based on the interaction of two very different systems. One system is responsible for the cold, calculating morality that causes people to say that it is morally permissible to flip a switch in order to kill one person instead of five. This kind of morality is based on numbers and logic without the influence of emotion. The other system, however; is very much based in emotion. The majority of people would not push a large man in front of a train in order to save five people. The numbers are the same, killing one to save five, but people are horrified by the thought of pushing another person in front of a train (Koenigs).

sophie b.'s picture

Antidepressant use in adolescents


Biology 202 Web Paper 2 Sophie Balis-Harris 4/5/10


emily's picture

To See Without Sight

Normal.dotm 0 0 1 2116 12065 Bryn Mawr 100 24 14816 <

Molly's picture

Child's Eye View

 I'll start by saying I absolutely loved "Persepolis," and it was one of the best things I've read in awhile.  

One of my favorite things about "Persepolis" was that it told the story of something very complicated through the simple view of a child.  It could have just been like any history book on the war and revolution that took place in Iran that's ever been written, but instead it's brought to life through the illustrations and through the telling of the story through the eyes of a child. The reader learns about revolution and all that goes into it along with Marji, which for me was very enjoyable.  I never thought I would enjoy graphic novels, but because of "Persepolis" they may be starting to grow on me.

Kwarlizzle's picture

The Collective I-Function

Normal 0 false

JJLopez's picture

Postpartum Depression and Child Neglect

Normal.dotm 0 0 1 1257 7166 Harvard University 59 14 8800<

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