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Raven's picture

Dreams: Seeing without seeing

 Dreams: Seeing without Seeing


exsoloadsolem's picture

Class Notes 4/5

Notes House of Wits 4/5/10
Professor Jefferson, Day II

Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark: A brief for close reading

James [empiricist psychologist and philosopher] mis[?] “reads” Peirce [Logician and “scholastic realist”]
Sequence of texts [reculer pour mieux sauter= back up in order to gather haunches so as to leap more effectively forward]:

I.      Peirce “Fixation of Belief” [1877] only p. 4-8
Doubt-belief theory of inquiry: 3-4,
4 methods of “fixing belief”: “method of tenacity” 4-5, 7-8.
“Method of authority”: 5,7
“A priori method” : 5-6, 7
“method of science [Peirce as “scholastic realist”]: 6-7, 8

ewippermann's picture

A Philosophy to Match the Science

Sociologist Marvin Bressler said that the “dogged preservation of age-old religious belief systems ‘encourages decent men to tremble at the prospect of ‘inconvenient’ findings that may emerge in future scientific research. This unseemly anti-intellectualism is doubly degrading because it is probably unnecessary’” (Ellerman). The majority of religions or organized spiritual systems have had to fight against the findings of science, but the most Buddhists have embraced new research; the methods and modes of Buddhist practice are even shown to have a very firm neurological effect.

egleichman's picture

Traumatic Stress: A Chemical Approach

 Eve Gleichman

Neurobiology 202

Web Paper 2

Paul Grobstein



Traumatic Stress: A Chemical Approach

mcurrie's picture

Child Trauma and the Hippocampus


jrlewis's picture

Genres as Recipes or Recipes as Genres?

Perhaps this is a stupid question…  Especially for someone who has taken almost enough literature courses to be an English minor… An avid reader of novels, graphic narratives, biographies, and texts on philosophy and science… 
WHAT IS LITERATURE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 
Is it the texts of the Western Canon?  Is it global?  Is it any kind of artist writing?  What about important articles? Comics? Papers? Speeches? Films? Recipes?

rmeyers's picture

NYT: "The Next Big Thing"

An article entitled "Next Big Thing in English: Knowing They Know That You Know" asks some interesting questions (broadly, but well).

Here are some snippets that might be particularly pertinent:

"The brain may be it. Getting to the root of people’s fascination with fiction and fantasy, Mr. Gottschall said, is like “mapping wonderland.”"

AndyMittelman's picture

The Neurological Side of Firewalking

“There’s no logical explanation.”
    -Ron Sato, MD
    Stanford Medical School, Burns & Plastic Surgery

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