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I think Literary Kinds has been a great class so far. Some of the highlights have been the visitors, and I especially enjoyed Paul Grobstein's visit. I love that we decided as a class what to study for the rest of the semester, and I think that's a method that professors should use more often-that way, students might be more excited about their work because they are the ones who chose what to study. All in all, this has been a great class, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

Evaluating Literary Kinds
I think it is safe to say that the majority of us are aware that this class is unlike anything we've been given an opportunity to study before. Personally, at first I was a bit leery of studying blogs. I mean, for one I have never been a blogger myself and I didn't quite understand the culture that came along with it--I simply thought it was a past-time that some enjoyed. However, this class has taught me that there is more to blogging than meets the eye;I have learned that blogs in a less conventional way can possibly be considered a genre. This class has forced me to think in terms outside of what my high school education taught me to do, and I loved that I was encouraged to explore topics and forge my own lines of thought.