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Molly's picture


 I think Literary Kinds has been a great class so far.  Some of the highlights have been the visitors, and I especially enjoyed Paul Grobstein's visit.  I love that we decided as a class what to study for the rest of the semester, and I think that's a method that professors should use more often-that way, students might be more excited about their work because they are the ones who chose what to study.  All in all, this has been a great class, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

aseidman's picture

Mid-Semester Evaluation - Literary Kinds

Let's start with the good. I really do love this course, and the openness and freedom of the discussions is to be appreciated. We do have a good rapport in this class, despite the fact that there are so very many of us, and I think every single person in the class has valuable, intelligent, well-thought-out things to say.

exsoloadsolem's picture

Mind the Gaps

Mind the Gaps

Marina's picture

The Lady Defined

jrlewis's picture

The Tyranny of Henry James

In our discussion of The Portrait of a Lady, Anne asked our class to consider “who is the tyrant” of the novel.  She was inquiring what character or concept constrained the formerly free and independent character of Isabel Archer.  A discussion ensued about whether Gilbert Osmond or Isabel Archer’s imagination was the tyrant.  I would like to propose a third interpretation; Henry James, himself, is the great tyrant of his own novel. 

fabelhaft's picture

Clarifying Ambiguity- warning: video heavy

Wai Chee Dimock’s article “Subjunctive Time: Henry James’s Possible Wars” broaches the idea of a “time-line that makes a subsequent event an important context for a text written prior to it” (249-250). The idea that literature is not temporally bounded is fascinating to me, and it is through this lens that I explore the connection between Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw and an episode of Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Normal Again.”

Throughout the essay there will be clips from "Normal Again."


nk0825's picture

Evaluating Literary Kinds

 I think it is safe to say that the majority of us are aware that this class is unlike anything we've been given an opportunity to study before. Personally, at first I was a bit leery of studying blogs. I mean, for one I have never been a blogger myself and I didn't quite understand the culture that came along with it--I simply thought it was a past-time that some enjoyed. However, this class has taught me that there is more to blogging than meets the eye;I have learned that blogs in a less conventional way can possibly be considered a genre. This class has forced me to think in terms outside of what my high school education taught me to do, and I loved that I was encouraged to explore topics and forge my own lines of thought.

Penguins's picture

The Ghost of Gardencourt: An Experimentative Scene

While speaking with Professor Dalke during our conference, the conversation turned towards Ralph from A Portrait of a Lady; and how I came to adopt him as my favorite character for his more pure-minded intentions, while Professor Dalke found him to actually be quite evil and suspicious, since he himself was manipulating Isabel for his own amusement. Finding that an interesting angle that I had not considered before, I decided to write a more creative-minded piece that emphasized not only Ralph’s motives for manipulation throughout the book, but also the love he held for Isabel (whether cousinly or otherwise, is up to reader discretion).

Calamity's picture

Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: a Comparative Reinforcement


Isabel Archer, protagonist of Henry James’ novel The Portrait of a Lady, is “guided in a selection chiefly by the frontspiece” when looking for reading material (The Portrait of a Lady 23).  

kkazan's picture

The Many Portraits of Isabel Archer


The Ever-changing Portrait of Isabel Archer





Never a calm in the waters of her mind

Floating freely throughout time, without consideration

Inner beauty, outer tenacity

The future, an open adventure

No stings to break, no tethers wanted

Unadulterated freedom on the horizon

Straining to escape grounded boundaries

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