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Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 202, spring 2009 - Notes


Brain and Behavior: Book suggestions

Brain and Behavior

Book suggestions

(a supplement to Serendip's Brain and Behavior materials
and a Neurobiology and Behavior course;
suggestions for additions welcome in the on-line forum area below;
see also Serendip's Bookshelves for more books and commentaries)


N. Andreasen, The Creative Brain, 2006

EvoLit: A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress
27 Jan 2009 (PG)


Darwin Day Celebration - "An International Recognition of Science and Humanity"

Charles Robert Darwin - born 12 February 1809; published Origin of Species in 1859

Abraham Lincoln - born 12 Feburary 1809

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 202, spring 2010 - Schedule


Biology 202
Neurobiology and Behavior

Brain and Behavior Resources

Brain and Behavior

External resources and links

(a supplement to Serendip's Brain and Behavior materials
and a Neurobiology and Behavior course;
suggestions for additions welcome in the on-line forum area below)


General resource lists

Neurosciences on the Internet

The World Wide Web Virtual Library - Neuroscience

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 202, spring 2009 - Writing Assignments

Biology 202
Neurobiology and Behavior
Spring 2009

Writing Assignments


Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 202, spring 2009 - Syllabus

Biology 202
Neurobiology and Behavior
Spring 2009

Course Information

Where Does It All Come From? A Conversation

Benjamin Olshin is assistant professor of Philosophy, History, and History of Science at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Paul Grobstein is professor of Biology at Bryn Mawr College. The two met and discovered common interests, like this one, at a meeting on "Building the Scientific Mind" in Vancouver in May 2007 (for another common interest see Reality and Virtual Reality). Their ongoing exchange is provided here to encourage further conversation. Your thoughts are welcome in the forum area below.


Olshin - 30 November 2008

Paul Grobstein's picture

The self: genes, environment, chance, and ... free will

Steven Pinker's "My Genome, My Self" is a valuable reminder that

as well as a useful summary of the kinds of observations that lead to those conclusions, and wise advice for those who may (or may not) want to know more about their own genes. As Pinker points out, who one is is influenced by genes, but influenced as well by personal experiences, and by chance, so genes are relevant to the question of who one is but not the answer to that question.

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