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Sophie F's picture

Darkness Visible: How we can see what they see

In Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness William Styron writes lyrically and hauntingly about his descent into depression. He writes the book having emerged from depression, recounting his experiences, piecing together the fragments of his puzzle that may have served as warnings that something in his mind was amiss. In stepping into the void that is depression, Stryon then writes of his relation to the world, the muddled, muddied lens through which he now perceived, only to realize in an instant, that something had to change.
ryan g's picture

Moving Towards a Less Wrong Medical Model


And I must say, there was bothfreedom and challenge for me in recognizing that our perception of the externalworld, and our relationship to it, is a product of our neurologicalcircuitry.  For all those years ofmy life, I really had been a figment of my own imagination! - Dr. JillBolte Taylor, author of My Stroke of Insight


ryan g's picture

Book Commentary: My Stroke of Insight


Paul B's picture

Curing Cocaine Addiction: Moving Forward by Looking Behind

Cocaine addiction is a serious mental health issue that affects both individuals and their communities. For the individual, chronic cocaine use often causes irritability, restlessness, anxiousness, paranoia, and psychosis. Additional peripheral health problems may also develop such as heart attack or stroke, which may result in sudden death.[1] Societies also suffer from an individual’s addiction. Diverse studies have

ysilverman's picture

The Folly of Examining Life Rationally: The Fantastical Narrative Within Us All

“Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.”

- Albert Einstein, genius

ysilverman's picture

Psychodrama in the Archives

In the Freud Archives is famous in the journalistic community both for its quality as a piece of careful, investigative reporting and storytelling, but also for the controversy it caused after its publication: the main subject of the piece, Jeffrey Masson, sued the author Janet Malcolm, claiming she made up certain quotes attributed to him in the work. Still, for a reader interested in the life of the mind, Archives is even more powerful as a carefully crafted set of two tales, each one a parable of the other. In the forefront is the story of the meteoric rise and fall of young Freud scholar and analyst Masson at the hands of revered analyst K.R. Eissler. In the background

lrperry's picture


For those of you who want to jump immediately into reading the dialogues, feel free. For readers who would like an introduction, of sorts, to the project, read the prologue first.
mpottash's picture

Rethinking Motherhood: Bryn Mawr, Feminism, and Being a Mother

Rethinking Motherhood: Bryn Mawr, Feminism, andBeing a Mother


mstokes's picture

The Depression Procession

Mary Stokes

Bio 245

Professor Grobstein

December 15, 2008


The Depression Procession


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