Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

kscire's picture

Intro Critical Feminist Studies Paper #1/Intercourse

All quotes are from Chapter 7 of Andrea Dworkin's Intercourse: Occupation/Collaboration except for the quote from Catharine MacKinnon
anorton's picture

Reading—Not Writing—the Patriarchy: Limits of Language in Eugenides and Cixous

Reading—Not Writing—the Patriarchy: Limits of Language in Eugenides and Cixous

jlustick's picture

Sarah Palin: the Antithesis of Hillary Clinton

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skumar's picture

Calliope’s mosaic karotype: an objection to mind-body dualism

Calliope’s[1] mosaic karotype: an objection to mind-body dualism

Critical Feminist Studies 2008 - Web Papers #1

These are the first webpapers to emerge from Critical Feminist Studies, a course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2008. One month into the semester, students are writing here about what feminist issues seem most critical to them, who addresses them most cogently, what else would they like to know about these topics, and how they might find out...

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about the shape and sound of feminism today?


Notes Towards Day 10: "Allow for Serendipity"

Notes Towards Day 10 of Food for Thought

I. coursekeeping

those papers due Fri? reporting in on topic-defining, progress in researching....?
3-pp. paper reporting on current studies done on your health choice:
how are most college students handling the choice you are confronting?
how best to present the information you find?
find three web sources; look @ HOW they present the info (causes? correlations?
text? table? how do you fit in the statistics? why are you located where you are?

Notes Towards Day 9

Notes Towards Day 9

I. Start by taking three surveys from The Paradox of Choice:
*are you a maximizer or a satisficer? (p.80)
*the regret scale (p.87)
*the subjective happiness scale (p. 196)
can we chart the correlations?

HHMI Science Education Post-Doctoral Fellow

The Bryn Mawr Department of Biology and Bryn Mawr-Haverford Education Program, with support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, seek a Postdoctoral Fellow in Science Education to pursue and collaborate on innovative pedagogical approaches, research, and projects focused on science in a college liberal arts context and the preparation of precollege teachers. The Fellow will be responsible for teaching one course per semester, working with faculty mentors in Biology and Education, as well as pursuing research in a field of science education. Opportunities to participation in the College's Teaching and Learning Initiative and K-12 outreach programs are available. The initial appointment is for one year and with an option for a second year.

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