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Notes for Day 4

Notes for Day 4 for Food for Thought

I. coursekeeping
Pass 'round envelope for cash/checks: your packets cost $15

adiflesher's picture

Morality and the Brain - a Lesson Plan in progress

The following is a lesson plan for high school students about morality and the brain.  The lesson can be taught in the context of a larger curriculum about the brain or can stand alone.  The focus of the lesson is to give the students insight into moral decision making and to raise questions about the ways they make moral decisions.

I’ve tried to keep the lesson itself relatively simple and geared towards big questions.  Since many of these questions remain the topic of scholarly debate I’ve included some links detailing some of this dialogue. 

Please add comments on how you think this lesson can be improved or fleshed out. I hope to use this lesson in the upcoming year in High Schools around the city of Philadelphia.

I am still in the process of adding parts to the lesson, fleshing it out and adding the appropriate footnotes.

Morality:  Pull the lever or push the fat guy and other dilemmas that will have you scratching your brain about the nature of morality.   


Notes for Day 4

Reading Middlesex:
Notes Towards Day Four of Critical Feminist Studies

I. Get up, introduce yourself to someone you don't know,
and tell each other where (one branch of) your family (tree) came from

Any interesting tales?

cisrael's picture

The Brain as a Model Maker: Bias and Prejudice in Perception

We know that all brain operations involve pattern analysis and model making. The brain is biologically organized to process information through the construction of internal models. It searches and finds patterns in what it senses.  It extracts the features of patterns from the data and assembles those features into a model of the perceived object.

Biology, Sex, and Gender

What Biology Has to Contribute to Thinking
About Sex and Gender: Some Suggestions
8 September 2009
(see below for an earlier iteration)
"Affirming diversity is har

Notes for Day 3

Notes for Day 3 of Food for Thought

I. Packets for sale--but updated syllabus ON-LINE

II.Conference scheduling

III. Invitation to SJPP

IV. Possibility of field trip??

V.Writing about writing:
Write for 5 minutes:
For me, writing is like….
What is it like, for you, writing generally?
What was it like for you, writing this paper?
What do you anticipate it will be like for you, writing for college?
How does that imagining differ from the writing you did in h.s.?

What (in short) is your metaphor for writing?
Share with a partner.

VI. Introduce your partner and explain her metaphor
Ayotola Oronti's picture

Brain and Behavior Institute Grant Proposal

Describing some aspect of my experiences with the
Brain and Behavior Institute '08

One thing that stood out for me in the institute was the way the professor and his co presenters made us realize that each and everyone of us is unique in our own way and that when we let everyone bring his own individuality into what we are doing the products of our endeavor will be unique. This will lead to new ideas being generated in the world of science.

The institute brought out the creative ability that had hitherto been lying more or less fallow in me enabling me to come up with tangible contributions to discussions or even ideas that were of great benefit to my group in general and the whole body of participants in general.

Essay on depression

Making Sense of Depression


One Person's Inside Thoughts

An essay written in Spring 2008 and made available as a contribution to Making Sense of Depression  and Mental Health From The Inside with the permission of the author.

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