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Archive of Class Notes

Archive of Class Notes for Food for Thought: The Omnivore's Dilemma

Day One: Introduction to the course--from food to philosophy

Day Two: "Our National Eating Disorder" (Pollan, pp. 1-31, 85-99)

Day Three: "Big Organic" (Pollan, pp. 134-184)

Reading Three Guineas

Notes for Day 2 of Critical Feminist Studies

Woman's Education, Professionalization...and War-Making?
Reading Virginia Woolf's 1938 essays, Three Guineas

The Three Doors of Serendip Applet 2

If you didn't get here through The Three Doors of Serendip exhibit you may want to go there first.


LuisanaT's picture

The Entire Summer Institute 2008 Reflection

Taking a step back from the Summer Institutes for K-12 Teachers, the three individual institutes seem to work in a spectrum of traditional to non-conventional form of educating. This order, ironically enough, is set up in the same way the institutes proceeds throughout the summer. For the first of the three, the Computer Science Institute, is the most information-fed workshop. It resembles the more habitual way of teaching in the way that its participants are suppose to work through the computer programs and programming only through example. The following institute, the Brain and Behavior, had a fair amount of

LuisanaT's picture

Education, Life, and Me 2008 Reflection

First off, I want to personally thank and commend Grobstein for taking a young college student (rising sophomore) as an intern/student/teacher for this years Summer Institute for K-12 Teachers as oppose to the typical upperclassmen. I feel as though my participation and involvement here has helped provide more diversity to the summer experience. From this internship, I have gained a lot and learned much about myself and what I want for my future. This summer has assured

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