Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

Susan Dorfman's picture

Critique of Biology Labs On-Line as Open Ended Inquiry

I chose to use a Biology Labs On-Line activtiy because I have used The Fly Lab in the past and the company claims that these virtual labs are inquiry based. Initially, the Fly Lab seemed exciting in that it was a virtual lab that permitted an investigation into the genetics of the Drosophila melanogaster without using the flies and in a time frame possible with our schedule. After several years, I noticed thet students were easily frustrated by the technical difficulties of doing a lab online and became bored with the tediousness of the activity. I decided to investigate another online lab, Population Genetics, according to the criteria we set in this Institute for open-ended inquiry exercises.

Diane OFee-Powers's picture

Lesson Critique

The lesson I chose is from The School District of Philadelphia's Curriculum & Instruction's website.

Click on science, click grades 7&8, go to the right & click on MSP Companions. You will see a list of 7th &8th grade topics per report card period. I chose 8th grade-2nd report card -Inside the Restless Earth. Click this & look for Learning Resources/ Extension Activities. The activity is called Sequencing Time & the goal of this lesson is for the students to understand the necessity and the processes of placing events in sequence.
Diane OFee-Powers's picture

Lesson Critique

The lesson I chose is from The School District of Philadelphia's Curriculum & Instruction's website.

Click on science, click grades 7&8, go to the right & click on MSP Companions. You will see a list of 7th &8th grade topics per report card period. I chose 8th grade-2nd report card -Inside the Restless Earth. Click this & look for Learning Resources/ Extension Activities. The activity is called Sequencing Time & the goal of this lesson is for the students to understand the necessity and the processes of placing events in sequence.
Deesha Lockett's picture

Critique a lesson

Here is a website for a lesson on pollution:

how people affect the environment

how pollution affects plants and animals

how to get rid of waste at school

I think this is a topic of interest that students would have a lot of thoughts and questions about

It gives students an opportunity to share what they currently understand about pollution and discuss the different experiences they have with litter and pollution in regards to the different environment they live in. The activity of collecting samples of trash around the school gives opportunity to make surprising observations of items they might not expect to find at school.

The Three Doors of Serendip Applet 1

start new game clears your current winnings and all playing history, while play again starts a new trial within a game, without clearing any winnings.

Teresa Albers's picture

A Head Start On Science: Creating A Sense of Wonder

This book, entitled Getting A Head Start on Science: Creating A Sense of Wonder, is a collection of science activities designed by the National Science Teachers Association for use in Head Start classrooms. The book has several sections including: Senses, Physical Science, Critters,Water & Water Mixtures, Seeds, and Nature Walks. Two samples lessons were available for previewing; one lesson was on Pumpkin Insides and the other was about Ramps.

bronstein's picture

Edutopia as a source for inquiry and project based learning

For a year or 2 now I have subscribed to edutopia, an organization started (or at least funded) by George Lucas.  It's stated purpose is to further the use of inquiry-based and interdisciplinary methods of education.  Each month (or several times a month by the # of emails I get from them) they find or create and disseminate ideas, suggestions or plans for project based lessons for all age groups.  One article I just came across that had meaning for me can be found at:

Videography as a Pedogogical Tool


Let's begin by listing the uses of videos in the Classroom:

1.) demos of things that are dangerous, complicated, novel/introduction - the hook!

2.) visiting places virtually

3.) reinforcement in a different medium

4.) assessment or archiving

journaling in a different medium 

student and student collaborative product, reflection, modeling

professional development

learning content 

as tool for making observations over time.

tool for mentoring

distance learning 




What are some of the pitfals and limitations?

RecycleJack Marine's picture

Inquiron Lesson on Decomposition

Here is an interesting lesson I found on my favorite science subject. Click here for the lesson.
RecycleJack Marine's picture

More Inquiry - A few difinitions

Operational Definitions of Inquiry-Related Terms

This project will focus on several aspects of inquiry that are operationally defined as follows:

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