Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

LuisanaT's picture

Science as Inquiry 2008 Reflection

This workshop, which would be more accurately called the “Learning as Inquiry” Institute, worked well in giving the participating teachers adequate access to multiple different resources to build their own lessons. Although these two weeks were beneficial to the participants in more ways than one, there are some areas where there could have been better control over the workshop. The time management skills and utilization of the interns could all have been better. The amount of effort placed preparing for the weeks to come became the biggest issue throughout the two weeks and needs to be addressed to better future Inquiry institutes.

LuisanaT's picture

Brain and Behavior Institute 2008 Reflection

This institute’s main goal of familiarizing K-12 teachers about neurological and behavioral situations to allow them to make useful educational implications was without a doubt, a complete success. But it is important to point out that a lot of participating teachers felt once they entered the institute is an uneven balance between the science they were learning and the educational importance they were receiving; many participants thought that there was not enough focus on what everything they have discussed on the Brain suggests for education. As the teacher conducting this institute, Grobstein, it is important that you not only encourage the new and different pedagogical tools

Biology of Learning

This page was authored by Wilfred Franklin of the Bryn Mawr College Biology department as the first set of activities to an Introductory Biology lab course. It was inspired by the 2002 book, The Art of Changing the Brain, by James E. Zull.




What do we already know about Thinking?


What is a thought? .... is it conscious? 

Laura Cyckowski's profile


Laura Cyckowski

lcyckows [at] brynmawr [dot] edu




Listed here are materials and models found throughout Serendip that I've developed and/or collaborated on. 

All models on the pages linked to the left were created with NetLogo.


bronstein's picture

Award for K-2 inquiry science ed

There are some of you who will be interested in applying for this award . . . and some of you will truly deserve it!


Guidelines Now Available for the Zula International–NSTA Early Science Educator Award

Choices and Constraints: How We Decide

Fall 2008 Working Group On
"Choices and Constraints: How We Decide"

Sponsored by the Center for Science in Society and
The Social Science Center @
Bryn Mawr College, Dalton 212E,
1-2 p.m. on alternate Thursdays
joycetheriot's picture

Grant Proposal 09




bronstein's picture

Virtual Desktops and blogging

First, we had discussed "moving away from the use of textbooks." Along those lines in one of the newsletters I receive there was this special report. Here's the title:

eSN Special Report: Virtual Desktops
How virtual desktops will revolutionize personal computing


. . . and it speaks to the idea of moving away from the use of textbooks.


Post Mini-Grants Here.

Please submit in the comment section below your mini-grant addressing these three areas.



Identification: Please give your Name & Name of School where you work or where you intend to use the grant money.


Specific Aim / Goal: A few sentences on the educational goal / outcome for your students and how this is made possible by equipment/supplies puchased with mini-grant.


Proposal: Brief description of how you plan to use the equipment in your classroom to reach your educational goal.


Equipment: Description of the equipment you plan to purchase.

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