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"A Teacher on the Front Line as Faith and Science Clash" - NYTimes 24 August 2008

"students often arrive at school fearing that evolution, and perhaps science itself, is hostile to their faith"
student comment: "There a difference between thinking something is interesting and believing in it"

Paul Grobstein's picture

More on teaching evolution and evolving humanity

Encouraging article in the NY Times yesterday: "A Teacher on the Front Line as Faith and Science Clash." Yes, there are ways to avoid drawing lines in the sand, to work productively across (even because of) divides.

"I don't expect you to 'believe' the scientific explanation of evolution ... I do expect you to understand it" ... David Campbell, high school teacher, Florida.

" ... there's a difference beween thinking something is interesting and believing it" ... Doug Dougherty, student in Campbell's course.

Babtunde A Oronti's picture

Brain and Behavior Curriculum proposal

The Brain and Behavior Institute actually helped me to put myself in the position of my students and experience how it feels to be a student in a classroom with the Inquiry mode of learning. Most of the learning experiences we had were done through questioning and one form of hands-on activity or the other. On several occasions when the topic for the week or even the day was being introduced using the lecture mode, I feel very impatient waiting for the time we are going to be doing related activities on the subject. This is the situation with our students. They can’t wait to do something hands-on (Kinesthetic learners) or watch a video/teacher demonstration (visual learners) in order to enhance their learning.

Mental Health and the Brain: Student Information

Mental Health and the Brain:
A Discussion
Fall, 2008

Supplementary Course Information

General course principles

Mental Health and the Brain: Home Page

Mental Health and the Brain:
A Discussion
Fall, 2008

a course at Bryn Mawr College and associated public conversation



bronstein's picture

'MindLadder' suggests the future of assessment

There is a new teaching tool that uses "the most current understanding of how the children learn" to provide instruction as to how to best improve the learning of every child on an individual basis. That's the claim. Here's the link to a much fuller explanation of how this works. It takes a lot of work/child to set up the initial assessment, but then has a number of teachers who are singing its praises.

Oh, and it's $15/child/year.;_hbguid=aad77d55-6dcc-47bc-bf7a-d623374632ad

If it works, I'd say that it is very much worth it. However, I can't see a high school teacher using this for all the students.

Room for Everybody

Room for Everybody

Notes for Workshop for College Seminar Faculty
Bryn Mawr College
Anne Dalke
August 26, 2008

What I Do On-Line

CSem Syllabi: linking, updating, archiving

* Questions, Intuitions, Revisions

* Food for Thought: The Omnivore's Dilemma

jrlewis's picture

2008 Brain and Behavior Institute

Brain and Behavior Critique

Notes for Day 1

Notes for Day 1 of Food for Thought

I. Welcome!--to feast that is BMC and CSem

II. Begin by getting to know one another:
Go round, say your name and
tell us a story about one of your favorite foods
(something familiar, something surprising?
what it tastes like/where you ate it/with whom/why)

a sample of what will happen here/outside of here/seeded here,
for next 14 weeks: a conversation among ourselves
we are a various group, with varied experiences; 
we come from various places and we know different things

our first obligation here is to say what we know:

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